Uses of Ommirac

Ommirac drug is prepared in the form of lyophilized powder for injection, with the main ingredient in each vial is Omeprazole sodium 40mg. So what is the use of Ommirac and how to use it?

1. Uses of Ommirac

The main ingredient of the drug Ommirac is Omeprazole, this is a specific inhibitor, which works by blocking the enzyme system of Hydrogen-potassium Adenosine Triphosphatase, also known as the proton pump H + K + ATPase of the parietal cells of the stomach. thick.
Omeprazole acts on the late stage of acid secretion. Only with a single dose of omeprazole 20mg/day, there was a rapid inhibition of gastric secretion caused by any stimulus. Omeprazole has no effect on acetylcholine or histamine receptors and has no significant pharmacokinetic effects other than those on acid secretion.
Omeprazole reduces stomach acid long-term, but reversible. Five days after discontinuing the drug containing omeprazloe, gastric secretion returned to normal, but no hypersecretion was observed. Endoscopic examination showed that the scar wall rate of duodenal ulcer reached 65% after 2 weeks of treatment and this number increased to 95% after 4 weeks.

2. Indications and contraindications of the drug Ommirac

Ommirac is indicated in the following conditions, when oral therapy is not effective, including:
Duodenal ulcer Stomach ulcer Esophagitis with ulcer Zollinger-Ellison syndrome Ommirac drug is contraindicated Determined in the following cases:
People with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of Ommirac. Precautions when using Ommirac in the following cases:
The possibility of malignancy should be excluded before treatment with Ommirac. Patients with severe liver disease should use only 20mg/day. Consideration when using Ommirac for pregnant women. Ommirac should not be used while breastfeeding.

3. Dosage and how to use Ommirac

Ommirac is to be administered by slow intravenous injection by medical personnel. The dosage of Ommirac drug should be according to the doctor's prescription, the reference dose for specific cases is as follows:
Dilute 1 vial of Ommirac with 10mL of solvent. Administer intravenously slowly for not less than 2.5 minutes, injection rate not to exceed 4 mL/min. The usual dose is 40mg/day. If necessary, intravenous injection for an additional 3 days should be reduced to 10-20 mg/day. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: The dose of Ommirac should be adjusted according to the patient's response. No dose adjustment of Ommirac is required in patients with hepatic impairment, renal impairment and the elderly.

4. Ommirac side effects

During the use of Ommirac medicine, you may encounter some side effects of the drug, including:
Headache Diarrhea Abdominal pain Nausea, vomiting Upper respiratory tract infection Dizziness Urticaria Constipation Coughing Weak Back Pain. If you see any unusual symptoms while using Ommirac, immediately notify your doctor or medical staff for timely handling.

5. Interactions of Ommirac with other drugs

When Ommirac is used together with drugs such as diazepam, phenyltoin and warfarin, there will be increased plasma concentrations of these drugs.
The above are the uses of Ommirac medicine, patients need to carefully consult information and use the drug when prescribed by a doctor to achieve the best results during the treatment of the disease.

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