Uses of Pancricon

Pancricon medicine is made in the form of tablets, with the main ingredients including Pancreatin and Simethicone. The drug is used in the treatment of a number of digestive disorders (flatulence, loss of appetite, indigestion, ...).

1. What is Pancricon?

Pancricon medicine has ingredients including Pancreatin 170mg and Simethicone 84.43mg. In particular, Pancreatin is a form of preparation from the pancreas of pigs or cows in the form of white or light yellow powder, containing digestive enzymes in the pancreas (trypsin, amylase, lipase). Simethicone is a viscous, translucent liquid with a gray color. It helps to reduce the surface tension of the air bubbles and cause them to clump together. This ingredient helps to remove gas, gas or foam from the digestive tract before X-ray, used to relieve abdominal distension, indigestion. Simethicone is excreted in the feces (in unchanged form).
Simethicone is used to relieve painful symptoms caused by excess gas in the digestive tract. It is an adjunct in the treatment of a variety of conditions (including surgical gas obstruction, gas swallowing, peptic ulcer, functional dyspepsia, constricted or irritated colon). In addition, Simethicone is also used in combination with antacids, antispasmodics, digestive and sedative agents.
Indications for use of Pancricon:
Treatment of digestive disorders, overeating, anorexia, indigestion, indigestion, flatulence. Contraindications to the use of Pancricon:
People with hypersensitivity to the ingredients or excipients of the drug.

2. How to use and dose of Pancricon

How to use: Oral, should take Pancricon after eating.
Adults: Take 1 - 2 tablets/time x 3 times/day; Children 8-14 years old: Take 1 tablet/time x 3 times/day. Overdose: In case of emergency or overdose when using Pancricon, the patient should call an ambulance or go to the nearest hospital for early diagnosis and treatment. Relatives should inform the doctor about the prescription the patient is taking.
Missed dose: In case of forgetting to take a dose of Pancricon, the patient should take it as soon as possible (about 1-2 hours from the indicated). If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the prescribed time. Do not take a double dose.

3. Side effects of the drug Pancricon

During the use of Pancricon, patients may experience some side effects such as: rash, red skin, sneezing, watery eyes, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, irritation of the mouth and around the anus. subjects (if high doses are used). Patients rarely experience allergic reactions. If you experience side effects of this drug, the patient should immediately notify the doctor to receive advice on appropriate intervention and management.

4. Be careful when using Pancricon

Before and while taking Pancricon, patients should note:
Be careful when using Pancricon in patients with hyperuricemia and hyperuricemia when having bladder fibrosis; Pancricon should be used with caution in patients with bile duct obstruction or high concentrations of bilirubin in the blood plasma; Do not chew or suck on the tablet (because of the risk of irritation and an unpleasant odor that can lead to vomiting); Caution should be taken when using Pancricon in pregnant and lactating women, and should consult a doctor before use. During the use of Pancricon, the patient should strictly follow all instructions of the doctor on dosage and how to use the drug. At the same time, patients also need to list in detail the drugs they are taking and their medical history so that the doctor can make appropriate adjustments.
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