Uses of Richaxan

Richaxan is a prescription drug in the treatment of inflammatory and painful conditions such as bursitis, rheumatism, muscle pain, back pain, headache, sports injuries, fever reduction.... To ensure safety for health. To stay healthy and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Richaxan exactly as directed by your doctor.

1. What is Richaxan?

Richaxan belongs to the group of pain relievers, antipyretics, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, treatment of Gout and bone and joint diseases. The drug is prepared in the form of tablets, packing box of 5 blisters x 20 tablets and box of 25 blisters x 4 tablets.
Ingredients in the drug Richaxan:
Paracetamol content 325mg; Ibuprofen 200mg. Paracetamol is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug, which is the active metabolite of Phenacetin, an effective antipyretic analgesic that can replace Aspirin. In equal doses in grams, Paracetamol has analgesic and antipyretic effects similar to Aspirin. Paracetamol also has little effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, does not change the acid-base balance, does not cause scratches, irritation or stomach bleeding like when using Salicylates, because Paracetamol only affects the cyclooxygenase/prostaglandin of the system. Central neutral system.
And Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the propionic acid group of arylcarboxylic acid derivatives. In low doses, Ibuprofen has analgesic and antipyretic effects. At high doses > 1200 mg/day), Ibuprofen has anti-inflammatory effects.

2. Indications for taking Richaxan

Prescription drug Richaxan is indicated in the treatment of the following cases:
Arthritis; Arthritis ; Muscle pain, back pain, rheumatism; Sports injuries. Pain and inflammation relief in dentistry, obstetrics and orthopedics. Relieve headache, toothache, dysmenorrhea, pain in cancer. Reduce fever.

3. Dosage of Richaxan

Reference dose of Richaxan is as follows:
Adults: Take 1 tablet of Richaxan every 4-6 hours/day. The maximum dose is 8 tablets/day. The above dose of Richaxan is for reference only. The specific dose of Richaxan will depend on your condition and disease progression. To get the right dose of Richaxan, patients need to consult their doctor/pharmacist.

4. Contraindications to taking Richaxan

Do not use Richaxan for patients with one of the following conditions:
Progressive liver disease, viral hepatitis; Alcoholics; Severe kidney failure; Nasal polyps; Bronchospasm ; Angioedema, anaphylaxis; Allergy to Aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; Peptic ulcer. Pregnant women and the elderly.

5. Drug interactions

Here are some drugs and foods that can interact with Richaxan:
Alcoholic drinks; Anticoagulants, Coumarin and indandione derivatives; Medicines for high blood pressure; Diuretic; Digoxin; Insulin; Oral antidiabetic drugs; Colchicine; Compounds containing gold; Lithium; Methotrexate; Probenecid. To avoid unwanted interactions when using Richaxan, patients should inform their doctor/pharmacist of all medications, dietary supplements and vitamins... they are taking.

6. Richaxan drug side effects

Richaxan medicine can cause the following side effects for patients:
Stomach ulcers; Hepatitis. Dizzy; Anxiety, irritation; Congestive heart failure; CKD; Cystitis; Polyuria; Allergic dermatitis; Erythema multiforme; Stevens Johnson syndrome ; Anemia. During the course of treatment, if there are any abnormal symptoms suspected of using Richaxan, the patient should notify the treating doctor/pharmacist for timely treatment.

7. Precautions when using Richaxan

Be careful when using Richaxan for the following subjects:
People with kidney disease; Anemia; Have bronchial asthma. Above is information about uses, dosage and precautions when using Spmerocin. To ensure health safety, patients should not arbitrarily buy drugs to treat at home without a doctor's prescription and prescription, because dangerous side effects may occur.

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