Uses of Sagafixim 200

Sagafixim 200 is used to treat problems related to infection or inflammation. You may experience some unwanted side effects while using the drug. However, if you know the information about the drug and follow the doctor's instructions, you will protect yourself from dangerous interactions.

1. Uses of Sagafixim 200

Problems such as inflammation and infection all bring serious consequences if not detected or treated promptly. You can refer to the drug Sagafixim 200 used to treat problems caused by inflammation or infection. So what is Sagafixim 200? This drug will inhibit some susceptible bacteria to reduce complications and inhibit them from causing harm to health.
A few cases are indicated to use the drug Sagafixim 200
Uncomplicated gonorrhea infection Pyelonephritis Urinary tract infection Bronchitis may have reached the acute or chronic stage Pneumonia often recurs level Typhoid Dysentery Sagafixim 200 in addition to its main use can be used flexibly to indirectly support other drugs when needed. However, these are uses that need to be studied and analyzed in depth. Therefore, you need to consult your doctor before using the drug to ensure the best effect of the drug.

2. Dosage and how to use Sagafixim 200

Sagafixim 200 is made in the form of capsules to be absorbed orally. When to take the medicine and note you can refer to it when talking with your doctor for detailed step-by-step instructions. Follow your doctor's instructions to make sure the medicine is well received by your body.
The maximum dose of the drug is 400mg / day is applied to patients over the age of 12. If you are suffering from problems such as inflammation, urinary tract infections caused by gonorrhea bacteria, you can use a dose of 200 mg for 2 times per day. Physicians may also decide to administer a dose of 400 mg per day based on absorption, if necessary.
Children under 12 years old should be very careful when using the drug because they are not in the specified audience. This age group needs to take the drug under the supervision of a doctor. Children 6 months to 12 years old will be dosed by weight. If used twice daily, the dose for each dose is calculated at the rate of 4 mg/kg or increased to 8 mg/kg if a single dose is used.
Patients diagnosed with renal dysfunction syndrome should consult a doctor for dosage. For specific conditions, there will be a corresponding dose. A course of treatment usually lasts 5 - 10 days. If necessary, you can notify your doctor to consider prolonging or shortening it to suit your health.

3. Notes before taking Sagafixim 200

Cases of drug overdose due to subjective or objective reasons are harmful to health. You may experience convulsions if you overdose on the drug. In addition, early detection of unusual manifestations from the body should be done to prevent drug interactions. To handle overdose problems, you need to quickly report to the hospital. Usually, patients with overdose will be prescribed intestinal lavage and additional anticonvulsant drugs. Hemodialysis is not preferred for use with Sagafixim 200.
Newborns are immature and unsuitable for drug use. The prescribing doctor will have a more suitable alternative to the drug to ensure the safety of the child. In addition, if you are sensitive to drugs containing ingredients of the Cephalosporin group, you should not use Sagafixim 200.
Patients should pay attention if they have ever suffered from diseases related to the digestive system, colitis. Especially when using Sagafixim 200 for a long time, it can be dangerous. Drug-resistant bacteria may appear if the patient takes the drug continuously for a long time.

4. Side effects of the drug Sagafixim 200

Insomnia Digestive disorders Headache Anxiety Dizziness Fatigue Itching and skin allergies Swelling angioedema Anaphylactic shock Decrease in the number of blood cells simultaneously Hepatitis Jaundice The side effect of Sagafixim 200 is usually in mild to moderate. Therefore, dangerous reactions are very rare. If you follow your doctor's instructions, you will be able to limit the dangerous side effects of the drug.

5. Interaction with Sagafixim 200

Sagafixim 200 used in combination with Probenecid caused a reaction to increase the drug concentration in the blood causing the set value to be higher than expected. Therefore, they affect the rate of clearance, in particular, decrease the rate. Avoid using in combination with the anticoagulant warfarin because it can lead to bleeding that is difficult to stop. Sagafixim 200 used in combination with carbamazepine is a high concentration of carbamazepine drug Nifedipine taken with Sagafixim 200 increases blood levels of Nifedipine Above is information for you to understand what drug Sagafixim 200 is. Hopefully the information provided above can help you better understand and use the drug more effectively.

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