Uses of Sitaglo 100

Sitaglo 100 is used in monotherapy or in combination with Metformin, Sulfamide to treat hypoglycemia and improve glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. this medicine before use.

1. What are the effects of using Sitaglo 100?

Sitaglo 100 contains the main ingredient is Sitagliptin 1000mg. This is an active ingredient that works by increasing the amount of incretin in the body. This ingredient will help control blood sugar by increasing insulin secretion as well as increasing the amount of sugar produced by the liver.
Sitaglo 100 is often used with other medicines to control blood sugar, commonly used in people with type 2 diabetes, helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems and other sexual function problems. In addition, keeping your diabetes under control can also reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

2. Indications and contraindications

Sitaglo 100 is indicated for patients with type 2 diabetes. Sitaglo 100 can be used alone or in combination with other drugs such as metformin, hypoglycemic sulphonamides, PPAR agonists to promote the best effect.
However, you also need to pay attention that the drug is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient Sitagliptin or any of its ingredients. Patients with type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent diabetes) because in these cases the body is no longer able to secrete insulin. Patients with diabetes are suffering from ketoacidosis. Sitaglo 100 should be used with caution in the elderly, with renal impairment of all degrees, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly or those with a history of pancreatitis.

3. Dosage and usage

Sitaglo 100 should be used at the recommended dose of 100 mg/day/time. You can take the medicine on an empty or full stomach.
If Sitaglo 100 is used in combination with a hypoglycemic sulphonamide, the patient should use a lower dose of a hypoglycemic sulphonamide to reduce the risk of sulfa-induced hypoglycaemia.
For patients with moderate renal impairment: The dose should be reduced to 50mg, taken once a day. For patients with severe renal impairment: The dose should be reduced to 25mg, taken once a day. For patients on hemodialysis: Use at a dose of 25mg, taken once a day. For patients applying peritoneal dialysis method: Use at a dose of 25mg, taken once a day.

4. Side effects

During the use of Sitaglo 100, patients may experience some of the following side effects:
Common side effects: Headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea, vomiting. In some cases, upper respiratory tract infection, nasopharyngitis, angioedema, dermatitis and hypoglycemia may occur. Rare side effects: Anaphylaxis or severe skin reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and risk of death. Regardless of the appearance of any side effects, you must absolutely not be subjective, immediately notify your doctor for timely support.

5. Drug interactions

Use of Sitaglo 100 with some of the following drugs may increase effects and toxicity:
Taking drugs with alcohol, anabolic steroids, MAO inhibitors and testosterone will increase the hypoglycemic effect of sitagliptin. Co-administration of Sitaglo with Sitagliptin increases the plasma concentration of digoxin. Administration of Sitaglo with beta-adrenergic blocking agents may mask the hypoglycaemic effects of antidiabetic agents. In addition, Sitaglo 100 has a risk of reducing the effect of:
Corticosteroids, diuretics and oral contraceptives. Reduces the hypoglycaemic effect of antidiabetic drugs. Because of the potential for interactions, you need to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking so that he can advise you on how to use them most effectively.

5. Some notes when using Sitaglo 100

When taking Sitaglo 100, patients need to be evaluated for renal function before and periodically. Comply with the treatment regimen of the doctor, do not arbitrarily stop or change the dose will affect the effectiveness of treatment. For patients who are stressed due to fever, infection, after surgery, at this time the body may lose control of blood glucose, it is necessary to stop Sitaglo 100 and use insulin to control it. You can then use Sitaglo again when the stress-inducing episode of acute hyperglycemia has passed. Pregnant and lactating women should not use Sitaglo 100. If used, the benefits and risks to the health of the mother and baby should be carefully weighed. In the process of using Sitaglo, it is necessary to combine diet and exercise to improve health and enhance the effectiveness of disease treatment. Sitaglo 100 is a new generation antidiabetic drug that has the ability to work differently from previous antidiabetic drugs. Therefore, to ensure the effectiveness of treatment, patients need to take the drug according to the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist, avoid buying and using it at home.

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