Uses of Spassarin

Spaassarin has the main ingredient is Alverin citrate, belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, in tablet dosage form. Complying with the indications, the dose of Spassarinn will help patients improve the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects.

1. Uses of Spasarin

Uses Spassrin is antispasmodic smooth muscle gastrointestinal tract, urinary and help relieve pain caused by spasms.

2. Contraindications to Spassarin

Spassarin is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with unexplained pain. Women are breastfeeding. People with a history of low blood pressure. Children. People with intestinal paralysis, intestinal obstruction.

3. Dosage and how to use Spasarin

How to use: Spassarin is taken orally. The patient should swallow Spassarin tablets whole. Breaking, chewing, or crushing Spaassarin can increase side effects.
Dosage: The starting dose is 40 - 80mg x 1-3 times/day.
How to handle when missed dose, overdose of Spassari:
In case of missed dose of Spaassarin, it is advisable to supplement as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose of Spassarin and use a new dose. When using Spaassarin drug overdose, the patient should stop the drug immediately and go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

4. Spassarin side effects

When using Spaassarin, patients may experience unwanted effects such as:
Urticaria; Laryngeal edema; Shock ; Lower blood pressure ; Headache ; Dizzy. If you experience the above symptoms, you need to stop using Spassarin and notify your doctor or pharmacist for appropriate treatment.

5. Notes when using Spassarin

Care should be taken when using Spasarin for drivers or machine operators. Caution should be exercised when using Spassarin in patients with renal and heart failure. Breastfeeding women should consult their doctor before taking Spaassarin. Absolutely do not use when Spassarin has signs of discoloration, mold, watery or expired. Above is all information about Spassan, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy Spassarin treatment at home because there may be unwanted side effects.

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