Uses of Terpina

Terpina is a medicine used to treat cough and expectorant in the group of drugs for treating respiratory diseases. The main ingredients are Terpin hydrate 100mg, Sodium benzoate 50mg. So what does Terpina do?

1. What effect does Tepina have?

Containing ingredients combining terpin hydrate, sodium benzoate and excipients just enough, Terpina has the effect of treating cough, reducing phlegm in the respiratory tract, treating diseases such as acute and chronic bronchitis, Disinfection of bronchial mucosa. Terpin hydrate is directly involved in stimulating the secretory cells, loosening secretions, helping to increase secretion of secretions, secretions (sputum) are brought out of the body by the cough reflex.
Sodium benzoate stimulates the gland cells to increase secretion of fluid, the volume of sputum increases, the viscosity decreases, from which the sputum becomes looser, helping to expel the sputum easily from the body. Benign, low-toxic sodium benzoate inhibits the growth of microorganisms, so the drug has antiseptic properties. When taken orally, the drug is rapidly absorbed, reaches the liver by conjugation with glycin to form a metabolite of hippuric acid, and is excreted in the urine by renal filtration.
Contraindicated in this drug line in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity, allergy to terpine hydrate, sodium benzoate and excipients. Do not use for children with a history of febrile convulsions, a history of epilepsy, children under 30 months of age.

2. Dosage and how to use Terpina

2.1. How to use The drug is used orally, the patient should take the drug with a sufficient amount of water, swallow it whole, do not break or crush the medicine. The medicine can be taken at any time before, during or after a meal.
2.2. Dosage of Terpina should be taken according to the dose prescribed by your doctor, or you can refer to the recommended dose as follows:
Children from 12 years of age and adults: take 2-3 times a day, each time 1-2 tablets. Children from 30 months old to under 5 years old: take 1 tablet a day, divided equally 1 or 2 times. Children from 5-12 years old: take 2 times a day, divided into 2 times, 1 tablet each time.

3. Undesirable effects when using Terpina

Side effects when taking Terpina are usually mild and rarely occur including vomiting, nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort, gastrointestinal upset ...

4. Notes when using Terpina

Inform your doctor that any medications you are taking, such as other cough suppressants and atropine-type drugs that dry up phlegm, may interfere with the effectiveness of the medicine. If you have a history of asthma, be careful when using the drug. When you are breastfeeding, or are pregnant, do not use the drug, unless clearly indicated. You are still directly driving a vehicle and operating machinery while taking the drug. The article has provided information about Terpina drug, indications for use and how to use it. To avoid unwanted effects and achieve maximum effectiveness in treatment, you need to use Terpina drug exactly as directed by your doctor, medical staff or specialists.

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