Uses of the drug Vertucid

Vertucid topical is a combination of two drugs Adapalene and Clindamycin, which works to treat boils and acne. In particular, Adapalene is a form of vitamin A that works to prevent the accumulation of sebum, clog pores and allow natural exfoliation of the outer skin layers. The rest, Clindamycin is an antibiotic that penetrates the skin to kill acne-causing bacteria.

1. What effect does Vertucid have?

Topical Vertucid belongs to the group of dermatological preparations used to treat acne or other types of pimples. Acne is a common skin condition and occurs when hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil. Acne bacteria feed on sebum, the natural oil secreted by the skin, causing redness and swelling.
The composition of the drug Vertucid is a combination of two drugs; namely Adapalene and Clindamycin. The essence of adapalene is a retinoid, a man-made vitamin A, that works to loosen cells on the surface of the skin and improve clogged pores caused by excessive oil production on the skin. Therefore, Vertucid topical will work to reduce pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. In addition, Adapalene increases the production of new skin cells and helps to naturally exfoliate the outer layers of the skin.
Meanwhile, Clindamycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is active against both aerobic gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (growing in the presence of oxygen) and anaerobic (growing in the absence of oxygen). ). Clindamycin inhibits the production of essential proteins required for bacteria to grow, multiply and increase in number. Thus, the combination of the two ingredients mentioned above in Vertucid topical will work together to prevent or slow the growth of bacteria that cause acne and heal the skin by reducing swelling and redness on the skin.

2. How to use Vertucid

Always wash your hands before and after applying Vertucid. At the same time, before use, wash the affected area with water.
Then, take and apply a small amount of Vertucid to form a thin layer and gently apply to clean and dry acne-affected skin at night before going to bed. Always remember that Vertucid is for external use only. Also, if you are using Vertucid to treat acne on your face, avoid contact with your eyes as it can cause irritation.
In case vertucid accidentally comes into contact with eyes, rinse eyes thoroughly under clean running water. In case of eye problems or notice any vision problems, consult your doctor immediately.

3. What are the possible side effects of Vertucid?

Like all common medications, Vertucid topical can cause some common side effects such as peeling, dryness, irritation, redness, itching, or a burning sensation at the site of application.
However, most side effects of Vertucid topical do not require medical attention and will gradually resolve over time as you get used to the medication or as quickly as you stop taking it. However, if side effects persist, please consult your doctor for appropriate interventions.

4. Things to keep in mind when using Vertucid topical medication

If you are allergic to Adapalene or Clindamycin or any of the other drugs in Vertucid topical, please let your doctor know. Do not apply Vertucid to cuts, open wounds, cuts, sunburns, or sensitive skin.
It is important to avoid direct sun exposure while using Vertucid topical because it can make the skin more sensitive to the sun and cause sunburn. Therefore, it is important to wear protective clothing and use sunscreen when going outside to protect the skin from sunburn.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please inform your doctor before taking Vertucid topical. Do not apply Vertucid in large quantities or use it for longer than indicated because it does not provide faster or better results and increases the risk of side effects such as redness, irritation, peeling of the skin. or uncomfortable. Also, if you have bowel problems or eczema, please inform your doctor before taking vertucid topical.

5. Diet and lifestyle tips when taking Vertucid topical

Avoid sun exposure while using Vertucid topical because it can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. Try to wear long clothes and use sunscreen when going outside to protect your skin from sunburn.
Regular exercise can improve mood and thereby limit acne. It is important to shower immediately after exercising because sweat can irritate pimples even more.
Wash your hair regularly and avoid letting hair fall all over your face.
Always remember to remove makeup thoroughly before going to bed.
Avoid using products that can irritate the skin such as strong soaps, skin cleansers, shampoos, bleaches or hair waxes, permanent hair colors or chemicals, detergents and rough fabrics.
When any other lotion, foundation or ointment including cosmetics and moisturizers is needed, it should be applied 30 minutes after applying Vertucid topical. Using both at the same time may reduce the effectiveness of Vertucid topical
Do not squeeze, scratch, or pick pimples while using Vertucid topical as this may worsen them and cause permanent scarring.
In a nutshell, Vertucid topical is a combination of Adapalene and Clindamycin used to treat acne. Both ingredients work by inhibiting the growth of acne-causing bacteria, reducing swelling, and inhibiting acne formation caused by oil and dirt buildup. However, to enhance the effectiveness of Vertucid topical acne treatment, patients need to pay attention to good skin hygiene, drink enough water and exercise regularly, avoid excessive stress to quickly get healthy skin. , smooth.
Reference source:;;

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