Uses of Triamvirgi

Triamvirgri has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. To better understand the uses, recommended dosage as well as usage and notes of Triamvirgri, please refer to the article below.

1. Learn about the drug Triamvirgi

Triamvirgi is manufactured by Fisiopharma S.r.l Nucleo Industriale Company. Triamvirgri is prepared in the form of a suspension for injection with the packaging of 5 ampoules x 2ml. Each tube of suspension contains the main ingredient Triamcinolone acetonide 80mg and excipients just enough for 1 tube.

2. Uses of Triamvirgi

Triamcinolone acetonide is a synthetic Glucocorticoid containing Fluor. Active ingredients can be taken orally, injected locally, intramuscularly, applied topically or inhaled. With the active ingredient Triamcinolone acetonide, Triamvirgri has immunosuppressive, strong anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. Compared with Prednisolone, the effect of water retention is weaker, but other effects of glucocorticoids are stronger and last longer.

3. Indications to use Triamvirgi

Triamvirgri drug is applied in the treatment of cases such as:
Treatment of stiffness and swelling of joints due to trauma, short-term local pain, bursitis, tendonitis, synovitis, rheumatism (polyarthritis). advanced chronic joints),... Usually applied topically as injections in joints or keloids Treat skin and joint diseases and diseases related to the respiratory tract, allergies with indications for corticosteroids. Usually applied intramuscularly

4. How to use Triamvirgi

Triamvirgri is usually used through: joint injection, intramuscular injection, intradermal injection.
Note when performing Triamvirgri injection:
Hands must be sterile before injection. Proper sterilization is required around the injection site. Be sure to shake the ampoule well before taking the medicine and inject it immediately after taking it. Do not let the needle go through a blood vessel.

5. Recommended dosage of Triamvirgi

Triamvirgri should be used as prescribed by a doctor, the dosage below is for reference only:
In case of intra-articular injection (dose may vary depending on large or small joints) Children aged 6 - 12 years: Dose from 2.5 to 15mg/time Adults: Dose from 2.5 to 40mg/time Intramuscular injection: Children from 6 to 12 years old: Recommended 0.03 - 0.2mg/kg, frequency of injection 1 day or 7 injected once a day. Adults: It is recommended to inject 40mg into deep muscle or gluteal muscle, repeat if relapse occurs, maximum dose of 100mg/time is recommended. In case of injection in the affected area, in the skin such as keloids: Recommended dose: 10mg/ml At each injection site, only 1-3mg, up to a maximum of 5mg. If injecting at many different sites, the sites need to be spaced at least 1cm apart and the maximum total dose is 30mg. Notes during the treatment of Triamvirgri:
In case the treatment results have been achieved, the dose should be reduced slowly before completely stopping the drug and the drug should be stopped as soon as possible. Always check the patient's condition continuously to adjust the dose accordingly. In the case of long-term treatment, the drug can be used on alternate days and gradually stopped after a long period of use. When used in children, the dose should depend on the severity of the disease and response to the drug.

6. Treatment when forgetting or overdosing Triamvirgi

The case of missed dose of Triamvirgri will be very rare because the drug is injected by medical staff. There are no reports of symptoms related to an overdose of Triamvirgri. How to deal with accidental overdose:
Acute: Symptomatic and supportive treatment. Chronic: Continuous treatment with steroids and corticosteroids may provide temporary relief. Treatment can be alternated every other day.

7. Contraindications to Triamvirgi

People with hypersensitivity or allergy to Triamcinolone acetonide or other ingredients in the drug. People with diseases such as: shingles, systemic fungal infections, chickenpox, peptic ulcers, asthma. Persons with severe acute infections who have not been treated with appropriate antibiotics. Do not inject spinal or intravenous. Do not give Triamvirgri to children under 6 years of age.

8. Side effects of Triamvirgi

Common cases such as: Weakness or atrophy of muscles, bones, hypertension, sodium retention, hypokalemia. Uncommon: Psychiatric disorder with emotional symptoms, thrombosis, decreased protein balance, decreased resistance, outbreak of underlying diseases such as tuberculosis, adrenal insufficiency, pseudo-Cushing's symptoms , diabetes, Glomcom, long-term use is at risk of posterior subcapsular cataract, muscle/skin atrophy, osteoporosis, difficulty in wound healing,... Rare cases such as: Increased intracranial pressure. The above has not fully listed the possible side effects, therefore, after taking the drug, if you encounter symptoms that are suspected to be side effects caused by Triamvirgri, you should immediately notify your doctor. treat.

9. Interactions of Triamvirgi

Note to avoid combining drugs with the following pharmaceuticals and active ingredients:
Antihypertensives, diuretics and hypoglycemic drugs (including Insulin) because Corticosteroids will reduce the effects of these drugs. Carbamazepine, Primidone, Barbiturates, Rifampicin, Aminoglutethimide, Phenytoin, Rifabutin: are substances that increase the clearance and metabolism of corticosteroids, reduce the therapeutic effect. Carbenoxolone, Thiazide diuretics, Acetazolamide increase the hypokalemic effect. Increases the effect of Coumarin anticoagulants. Increased clearance of salicylates if corticosteroids are discontinued may cause salicylate toxicity.
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