Uses of Vacodomtium 10

Vacodomtium 10 belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, the main ingredient is Domperidon, prepared in the form of hard capsules. Complying with the indications, the dose of Vacodomtium 10 will help patients improve the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects.

1. Indications and uses of Vacodomtium 10

Vacodomtium 10 is indicated to treat the following conditions:
Anorexia, nausea, indigestion, bloating, belching, heartburn; Adults with gastric prolapse, chronic gastritis, reflux esophagitis. Treatment of symptoms after gastrectomy in adults. Support for people being treated with anti-cancer drugs or L-dopa; Treatment of children with upper respiratory infections, cyclic vomiting, or anticancer drugs.

2. Contraindications Vacodomtium 10

Vacodomtium 10 is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with hypersensitivity to components of the drug Vacodomtium 10. People with gastrointestinal bleeding. People with mechanical intestinal obstruction. Person with intestinal perforation. People with prolactin-secreting pituitary tumors

3. Dosage and how to use Vacodomtium 10

How to use: Vacodomtium 10 is taken orally. Vacodomtium 10 tablets should be swallowed whole by the patient. Breaking, chewing, or crushing Vacodomtium 10 may increase side effects.
In case of vomiting or nausea:
For adults: Take 10-20mg. Each time, every 4-8 hours; For children: 0.2-0.4mg/kg. Drink every 4-8 hours. In case of indigestion:
For adults: From 10-20mg, 3 times/day before eating. Treatment when missed dose, overdose:
In case of overdose of Vacodomtium 10, it is necessary to stop the drug immediately and go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment. If you miss a dose of Vacodomtium 10, you should take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take a new dose.

4. Side effects of the drug Vacodomtium 10

When using Vacodomtium 10, patients may experience some unwanted effects such as:
Headache; Stress; Sleepy; Skin rash; Itching, allergic reactions; Lactation; Male big breasts; Chest tightness or pain; Dry mouth; Thirsty; Abdominal muscle cramps; Diarrhea . Although side effects of Vacodomtium 10 are rare, if you do, you need to stop using the drug and go to the nearest medical facility for timely examination and treatment.

5. Vacodomtium 10 . drug interactions

Care should be taken when combining Vacodomtium 10 with:
Inhibitors of CYP 3A4; Ketoconazole drug; Bromocriptine drug; Opioid pain relievers; Muscarinic muscle relaxant; Cimetidine drugs ; Famotidine drugs; Drugs Nizatidine ; Ranitidine drugs;

6. Notes when using Vacodomtium 10

Care should be taken when administering Vacodomtium 10 to people who drive or operate machinery. Use caution when using Vacodomtium 10 for patients with severe liver and kidney failure. No dose adjustment of Vacodomtium 10 is required in the elderly. Use caution when administering Vacodomtium 10 to pregnant and lactating women. Absolutely do not use when Vacodomtium 10 has signs of discoloration, mold, watery or expired. Above is all information about Vacodomtium 10, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using.

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