Uses of Zinc 10

Zinc 10 medicine is used in the treatment of zinc deficiency in some diseases such as infections, acne, zinc supplements for daily needs in children, pregnant women, ... So let's find out Zinc medicine What is the drug and how to use it?

1. What is Zinc 10?

Zinc 10 is a medicine used in the treatment of zinc trace element deficiencies and calcium supplements for the body, with the active ingredient being Zinc Gluconate. One Zinc 10 tablet contains: Zinc Gluconat 70mg (equivalent to Zinc 10mg).

2. What does Zinc 10 do?

Supplementing daily needs in the following cases: Children with growth retardation, children with rickets; pregnant and lactating women; unbalanced diet, dieting; acute and chronic diarrhea; Avoiding the risk of prostate enlargement in men over 40 years old helps
Treatment of zinc deficiency:
Mild zinc deficiency in pathologies: recurrent infections of the respiratory tract, digestive tract, skin diseases including acne, heat rash; digestive tract disorders, anorexia, indigestion; children with physical and mental weakness, difficulty sleeping, crying at night; physically impaired people. Severe zinc deficiency in diseases: skin lesions such as scalp inflammation caused by intestinal diseases, keratinized skin, dry rough, eczema, prone to allergies, scalp dandruff; perennial acne, nail dystrophy such as white birthmarks, long nail growth. Zinc 10 is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients.

3. Dosage of the drug Zinc 10

Dose of zinc supplements for each subject and age:
Children under 6 years old: take the medicine as prescribed by the doctor Children from 6 years old to 12 years old: 1⁄2 or 1 tablet / day Children over 12 years old and adults: 1 tablet/day Pregnant and lactating women: 2 capsules/day Recommended dose: Acne, atopic dermatitis: 1 tablet/day, away from meals.
Because zinc-containing drugs often have a bitter taste, when taking tablets, children may experience vomiting or nausea. Therefore, zinc tablets should be taken with plenty of water, can be crushed and dissolved in warm sugar water. Patients who do not take zinc on an empty stomach or immediately after a full meal should take the drug at the interval between two meals.

4. Zinc 10 . side effects

Some undesirable effects may be encountered when using Zinc 10 drugs such as causing discomfort in the stomach. However, this side effect is usually not severe and will go away quickly.

5. Be careful when taking Zinc 10

Do not arbitrarily use Zinc 10 medicine without a doctor's prescription. Use for pregnant and lactating women: Supplement daily zinc requirements as prescribed by the doctor. Effects of drugs on driving and operating machinery: Zinc 10 does not affect the ability to drive and use machines. operating machinery. Avoid taking Zinc 10 at the same time with antibiotics tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, phosphate salts, penicilamine, drugs containing calcium, iron, copper (should be taken 2-3 hours apart).

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