Uses of Zincap 125

Cefuroxime is a broad-spectrum antibiotic belonging to the Cephalosporin group. Currently, many products on the market contain this active ingredient, including Zincap 125. So what is Zincap 125 and how does it work?

1. What is Zincap 125?

Zincap 125 has the main active ingredient Cefuroxim axetil, equivalent to 125mg of Cefuroxime antibiotic. Zincap 125 is in the form of a powder for oral suspension, packed in 10 packs per box.
Cefuroxime in Zincap 125 is a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic, belonging to the Cephalosporin group. Cefuroxime for parenteral administration is the sodium salt, and the oral form is the Axetil ester. Cefuroxime axetil is a prodrug of cefuroxime, which has little antibacterial activity when it is not hydrolyzed to cefuroxime, after being absorbed. The antibacterial mechanism of Cefuroxime is inhibition of cell wall synthesis through binding to essential target proteins (penicillin-binding proteins).
Zincap 125 resistance can be caused by bacteria secreting the enzyme Cephalosporinase or by altering the penicillin-binding proteins. However, Cefuroxime with effective antibacterial activity against many common pathogens, including Gram-negative and Gram-positive strains that secrete beta-lactamase/cephalosporinase. Cefuroxime is particularly resistant to many beta-lactamase enzymes of gram-negative bacteria.

2. Indications and contraindications of Zincap 125

Zincap 125 is indicated for treatment as follows:
Chronic or acute bronchitis, pneumonia; otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis; Acute or chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis and urethral infections; Uncomplicated acute urethritis caused by gonococcal bacteria; Cervicitis ; Boils, pyoderma or impetigo. However, patients with a history of hypersensitivity to Cefuroxime or other Cephalosporin antibiotics should absolutely not take Zincap 125, because there are contraindications.

3. Dosage of Zincap 125

Pharyngitis, tonsillitis or maxillary sinusitis caused by sensitive bacteria: 250mg/time (2 Zincap 125 tablets) x 2 times daily; Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, secondary bacterial acute bronchitis or uncomplicated skin and soft tissue infections: Dose: 250-500mg/time (2-4 Zincap 125 tablets) x 2 times a day ; Uncomplicated urinary tract infections: 125-250mg/time (1 to 2 Zincap 125 tablets), every 12 hours; Uncomplicated cervical, urethral or rectal gonorrhea in women: 1g single dose, equivalent to 8 Zincap 125 tablets; New Lyme disease: 500mg/time x 2 times daily for 20 days. Dosage of Cefuroxime in children:
Pharyngitis, tonsillitis: Dose 20mg/kg/day (maximum 500mg) divided into 2 oral doses; Otitis media, impetigo: 30mg/kg/day (maximum 1g) divided into 2 oral doses. Some notes on the dose of Zincap 125:
Caution in patients with renal failure, on hemodialysis or elderly patients, the maximum dose for this subject is usually 1g/day; The usual course of treatment with Zincap 125 is 7 days. Zincap 125 overdose and management:
In most cases Zincap 125 causes only nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. However, some cases of increased neuromuscular excitability and convulsions, especially in patients with renal failure; Overdose management: Ensure breathing, support ventilation and give fluids. If seizures occur, the patient should immediately stop taking Zincap 125; Hemodialysis can remove Cefuroxime from the blood, but in most cases only supportive treatment or symptomatic relief is needed.

4. Zincap 125 . side effects

Common side effects of Zincap 125 include:
Diarrhea; Nodular skin rash. Some rare side effects of Zincap 125:
Anaphylactic reactions; Candida infection; Eosinophilia, leukopenia, neutropenia, positive Coombs test; Nausea, vomiting; Urticaria, itching; Increased serum creatinine ; Rare cases of zincap 125 use with fever, anemia, hemolysis, pseudomembranous colitis or erythema multiforme, Steven-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, cholestatic jaundice, mild elevation of AST, ALT, nephrotoxicity with transient increases in blood urea and creatinine, or interstitial nephritis.

5. Notes when using Zincap 125

Before starting treatment with Zincap 125, the doctor should carefully review the patient's history of allergy to Cephalosporin antibiotics, penicillins or other drugs.
Because cross-hypersensitivity to Zincap 125 (including anaphylaxis) has occurred among patients allergic to beta-lactam antibiotics, caution and preparation for anaphylaxis should be considered. when using Cefuroxime for patients who have ever been allergic to penicillin. However, with Zincap 125 there is a low rate of cross-sensitization with penicillin
Although cefuroxime rarely causes changes in liver and kidney function, it is still advisable to monitor the liver and kidneys during treatment with Zincap 125, especially in cases of renal failure. when taking the maximum dose. Also, caution should be exercised when Zincap 125 is used concomitantly with potent diuretics, because of the risk of adverse effects on renal function.
Long-term use of Zincap 125 may cause overgrowth of non-susceptible strains of bacteria. If superinfection is severe during treatment, zincap 125 must be discontinued.
There have been reports of pseudomembranous colitis occurring with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics such as Zincap 125. Therefore, care should be taken in diagnosing this problem and treating with metronidazole if the patient has severe diarrhea.
An increased risk of nephrotoxicity has been reported when Zincap 125 is used concomitantly with aminoglycoside antibiotics and other cephalosporins.
Studies in mice and rats showed no evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the fetus with Zincap 125. At the same time, when using Zincap 125 to treat pyelonephritis in pregnant patients, there were no adverse effects in neonates when exposed to Cefuroxime in the mother's uterus during labor.
Cephalosporin antibiotics are safe to use during pregnancy. However, close studies in pregnant women have not been fully conducted, so Zincap 125 should only be used during pregnancy if clearly needed.
Cefuroxime is excreted in breast milk at low concentrations and is not expected to affect nursing infants, but caution should be exercised when infants develop diarrhea, thrush and rash.

6. Zincap 125 drug interactions

Ranitidine with sodium bicarbonate reduces the bioavailability of Zincap 125. Zincap 125 should therefore be taken at least 2 hours after antacids or histamine H2 blockers.
Probenecid at high doses reduces renal clearance of cefuroxime, increases blood levels of cefuroxime and is more prolonged.
Zincap 125 combined with Aminoglycoside antibiotics increases the possibility of kidney damage.
Above is the information about the drug Zincap 125, using the right dose, the object will help bring better treatment results. Therefore, during use, patients should strictly follow the instructions of a professional doctor.

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