Uses of Zonalon

Zonalon is a topical medication used to relieve itching on the skin caused by many causes. This medication is indicated for short-term treatment of itchy skin symptoms.

1. What is Zonalon? What is the use of the drug?

Zonalon drug has the main ingredient Doxepin, which is prepared in the form of a topical cream. Doxepin is a tricyclic antidepressant that, when applied topically, has no antidepressant effect. But is used short-term to help relieve itching caused by certain skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis.
This medicine should only be used for a short time usually not more than 8 days. Although it is not clear how this medication can help relieve itching. This may be because this medicine works by blocking an itchy substance such as histamine that the body makes during an allergic reaction; or the itching relief could be because you feel drowsy or some other effect on your brain that you don't notice or feel uncomfortable with the itch.

2. How to use Zonalon?

Before applying Zonalon you need to clean the affected area with mild soap and water, rinse and dry. Gently massage a small amount into affected area to form a thin layer, usually about 4 times a day depending on skin condition and response to medication. Space doses at least 3-4 hours apart or use as directed by your doctor. Usually, this topical medication should only be used for a short period of time, usually up to 8 days. Wash hands thoroughly immediately after use unless the area being treated is including your hands. Note that this medicine is only for use on the skin, it should be avoided to get this medicine in eyes, nose, ears, mouth, vagina, anus area. If you get the medicine on these areas, wash it off immediately with clean water. After applying the medication, do not cover the area with a waterproof plastic or bandage. Covering the treated area may increase the absorption of the drug through the skin and thereby increase the risk of systemic side effects. Symptoms of overdose with high doses or when swallowed may include confusion, hallucinations, dilated pupils, fast or irregular heartbeat, severe dizziness, fainting, seizures, loss of consciousness awake. The patient should be taken to a medical facility immediately if accidentally swallowed or overdosed. You should avoid taking more or taking it more often, as that will not help you improve faster and the risk of side effects will increase. Tell your doctor if you experience severe drowsiness while using this product, as this could be a sign that you are absorbing too much medicine. Dosage should be reduced and treatment if necessary.

3. Side effects of topical Zonalon

When using Zonalon you may experience the following side effects:
There may be a burning or stinging sensation at the application site; Drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision or change in appetite. If any of the above side effects persist or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist right away. To relieve symptoms of dry mouth, suck on hard candy (sugar-free) or chew gum (sugar-free), drink water, or use a saliva substitute. Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: persistent acidity, changes in mental status or mood such as agitation, confusion, depression; difficulty urinating, swelling of the hands or feet. Get medical help right away if you have any very serious side effects, including: Fast heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, vision changes, fainting, seizures, rash, itching or swelling especially of the face, tongue or throat, severe dizziness and trouble breathing. The above are not all possible side effects when using Zonalon. If you notice other effects not listed above that you think are due to the medicine, contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

4. Notes when using Zonalon

This is a drug that is used under indications and you should not use it if: Allergic to any ingredient of the drug, have problems urinating, glaucoma has not been treated.
Before using this medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially:
Urinary problems: Such as difficulty urinating such as an enlarged prostate gland; Respiratory problems such as bronchitis, emphysema. Glaucoma; Heart problems (such as irregular heartbeat), kidney disease, and liver disease. Hyperthyroidism ; Personal or family history of mental or mood disorders such as bipolar disorder, psychosis, suicide, epilepsy, conditions that may increase the risk of seizures such as such as encephalopathy, alcohol withdrawal. During pregnancy, the use of Zonalon should only be used when absolutely necessary. Before taking you should discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.
This medicine is likely to pass into breast milk and may cause unwanted effects in a nursing infant. Breast-feeding is not recommended while you use this medicine.

5. Drug interactions:

Some products that may interact with this drug include
Anticholinergics such as belladonna alkaloids; the drug arbutamine; ... Some medicines for high blood pressure such as clonidine, guanadrel, guanethidine; thyroid medication... Taking an MAO inhibitor with Zonalon can cause serious and possibly fatal drug interactions. Avoid taking MAO inhibitors such as isocarboxazid, linezolid, methylene blue, moclobemide, phenelzine, procarbazine, rasagiline, safinamide, selegiline, tranylcypromine while you are being treated with this medicine. Zonalon is used in addition, but if you take it in large amounts or apply it over a large area there is a greater risk of side effects. You need to inform your doctor of any problems that occur while taking the medicine.

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