Notes when taking care of acne-prone skin and after acne is gone

Skin care with acne and skin care after acne has different notes. You need to know the steps of acne skin care as well as the notes to treat acne effectively, avoiding the risk of acne recurrence.

1. Steps to take care of acne skin

First, you need to remember the following basic acne skin care steps:
Step 1: Clean your face. Step 2: Use acne face wash to clean, clean your face, remove sebum. It is best to use it twice a day, in the morning and at night or when you sweat a lot. When washing your face with acne products in particular and regular facial cleansers in general, you should only use your fingers to gently massage your skin. Avoid massaging too hard as it can irritate and damage the skin. Step 3: Wash your face with warm water and physiological saline. Never wash your face with hot water.

2. Acne skin care and notes

When taking care of acne-prone skin, you need to pay attention to protect the skin against harmful external factors including skin care products, makeup cosmetics, sun rays, ... Specifically as follows :
Need to use the right acne skin care products: You need to choose both acne treatment, makeup, and sunscreen products that are suitable for your skin to ensure safety during treatment and care. . In particular, you should pay attention to sunscreen with clothes, hats, and face coverings to avoid UV rays from affecting the acne-prone skin. Avoid choosing acne-prone skin care products that contain oil: Another note is to learn the ingredients of the product so as not to choose to buy those containing oil. The use of skin care products with oily acne can cause acne not to go away, but also to increase because the pores on the skin are blocked due to the increased secretion of oil and sebum that skin care products cause. Remember the order of using skin care products: Before using skin care products, you need to clean your skin, then you can wait about 5-10 minutes and then start applying acne medication to avoid sting the skin. Follow up with a moisturizer and if you're going outside, apply sunscreen to protect your skin. This is the logical order that you need to keep in mind when taking care of acne-prone skin. SEE ALSO: Acne skin care: Do's/don'ts
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3. Skin care after acne and notes

Skin care after acne is also especially important to avoid skin darkening, scarring, pitting due to acne or acne again.
Choose vitamin C-rich products: Using vitamin C-rich post-acne skin care products will help reduce dark spots, while smoothing and brightening the skin. From there, the skin will look fresh and healthy, full of life. However, you need to pay attention to sunscreen when using these products. Use in combination with products to prevent scarring and treat dark spots: For some cases of severe acne and dark skin after acne treatment, it should be used in combination with special products to treat dark spots and prevent scars. Those are products that provide and supplement with many nutrients and vitamins such as A, B3, B5, B6, C to help reduce darkening of the skin, and at the same time prevent scarring. Use a skin care mask after acne is gone: The skin after the acne clears needs to be cared for carefully and properly. Accordingly, this process cannot be without the skin care mask step. You can refer to mask recipes from natural ingredients or use skin care masks available on the market. However, you should note that you should use it first with the skin of the chin area to make sure your skin is safe to use. Use rose water: Rose water helps to balance the pH level of the skin to clean oily skin and limit the risk of acne returning. You can use rose water with acne treatment every night to take care of your skin after acne is gone. Taking care of skin with acne is different from after acne is gone and you need to keep in mind the notes in the above article to have bright, smooth, healthy and scar-free skin after acne.
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