Skin rejuvenation with stem cells: How effective is it?

Skin rejuvenation with stem cells is one of the effective anti-aging methods, helping to delay the signs of old age such as sagging skin, wrinkles, pigmentation, freckles, ...

1. How effective is stem cell facial rejuvenation?

Stem cells are extracted from adipose tissue, placental umbilical cord or milk tooth pulp of children under 10 years old. Stem cell treatment is an effective anti-aging therapy thanks to its ability to replace old skin cells in a short time, helping to improve the skin's surface. Stem cells are used to nourish and prevent skin aging problems without causing side effects, allergies or infections.
Stem cell skin rejuvenation technology helps to improve skin resistance, bring back plump, smooth skin, improve inherent problems on the skin such as:
Fading pigmentation, dark spots, helping to improve skin health. skin lightening; Improve acne, melasma, acne scars, concave scars; Regeneration of collagen and elastin in small damaged cells, helping to increase skin firmness and elasticity; Using the purest and most powerful growth factors, it helps to regenerate the skin quickly, shorten the treatment time; Increase skin resistance. SEE ALSO: PRP
post-rejuvenation care instructions
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Trẻ hóa làn da bằng tế bào gốc đem lại làn da trắng sáng, mịn màng

2. Learn about PRP skin rejuvenation technology

PRP technology is an abbreviation of the phrase "Platelet Rich Plasma" - which means platelet-rich plasma. PRP technology has many medical and beauty applications, including skin rejuvenation and anti-aging. When PRP is injected into the body, they stimulate the body to produce fibroblasts - cells that synthesize the skin's underlying structures and collagen, and at the same time stimulate the collagen chain, increase the amount of Hyaluronic Acid, help the skin quickly. recovery and rejuvenation. In cosmetology, PRP has the following effects:
Preventing the skin aging process; Natural skin lightening; Fade wrinkles, smooth skin, tighten pores; Treat pitted scars, support the treatment of melasma, freckles, ...; Treat hair loss, baldness, nourish skin, moisturize and increase skin resistance; Rejuvenation of the vaginal mucosa. SEE ALSO: Things to know before using PRP skin rejuvenation
PRP skin rejuvenation technology is evaluated by experts as very safe, painless, non-infectious. Specifically:
PRP uses the body's own cells to extract, rejuvenate and treat skin aging problems, without using preservatives or external active ingredients; PRP is performed simply after local anesthetic to relieve pain, without surgery, so it does not cause side effects and has little impact on daily life; The growth factors contained in platelets help to stimulate the continuous growth of new skin cells, providing a high and long-lasting therapeutic effect; The cost of PRP skin rejuvenation treatment is more reasonable than many other methods.
trẻ hoá da PRP
Trẻ hoá da PRP có chi phí hợp lý, phù hợp với nhiều đối tượng chị em

Not only is the leading comprehensive health care address, Vinmec International General Hospital is also a place of examination, aesthetics and beauty that many women trust and choose. In order to improve the quality of services, help women have smooth, anti-aging skin, Vinmec now deploys a skin rejuvenation treatment package with PRP (non-invasive). PRP skin rejuvenation injection method is combined with Fractional CO2 Laser technology - using laser to affect the skin, creating microscopic lesions. These injuries will stimulate the body's self-healing mechanism, increase collagen and elastin production, help restore damaged cells and regenerate new tissue to replace lost cells; helps PRP easily penetrate deep into the skin and maximize its use in treating pitted scars, shrinking pores, making the skin more even, healthy and smooth.
Not only bringing PRP skin rejuvenation method to help "Return to youth for the second time", Vinmec Plastic Surgery Center also always puts safety first - Where customers can send trust, peace of mind when beautifying.

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