Low blood pressure can be life-threatening

The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Pham Tuyet Trinh - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
Low blood pressure is not a problem for some people. However, for many people, low blood pressure can cause dizziness and fainting, which can even be life-threatening. Let's find out the related issues about this disease.

1. What is low blood pressure?

Blood pressure is a measure of the force the blood exerts on the artery walls as blood flows through them. It is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).
When your blood pressure measured is expressed as two numbers called systolic and diastolic pressure.
Systolic blood pressure - is the pressure when the heart beats and squeezes blood into the arteries. At this stage, the pressure in the arteries is highest. Diastolic pressure - is the pressure when the heart is between beats and blood flows back to the heart through the veins. At this stage, the pressure in the arteries is at its lowest. Low blood pressure is also known as hypotensive, some people have lower than normal blood pressure, generally does not affect life. However, this disease can cause a number of dangerous conditions for the heart, causing the patient to faint, faint, and also lead to a number of diseases related to the nervous system and endocrine glands.

2. What is low blood pressure?

People have low blood pressure when the blood pressure reading is 90/60mmHg or lower.
Only one of the numbers must be lower than what should be counted as low blood pressure. In other words:
If the top number is 90 or less (regardless of the bottom number) this is likely low blood pressure If the bottom number is 60 or less (regardless of the top number) this could be low blood pressure.
Huyết áp thấp có thể đe dọa đến tính mạng
Huyết áp bao nhiêu thì gọi là huyết áp thấp?

3. Symptoms of low blood pressure

For some people, low blood pressure signals an underlying problem, especially when it drops suddenly or is accompanied by signs and symptoms such as:
Dizziness Blurry vision Nausea Fatigue Lack of concentration, sadness sleep Fainting (fainting) Severe low blood pressure can lead to a life-threatening condition. Warning signs and symptoms of low blood pressure include:
Confusion especially in the elderly Cold hands and feet, pale skin Rapid, shallow breathing Weak and rapid pulse

4. How dangerous is low blood pressure?

A sudden drop in blood pressure can be life-threatening.
For example, a change of just 20 mmHg - a drop from 110 mmHg systolic to 90 mmHg systolic - can cause dizziness and fainting when the brain doesn't receive an adequate blood supply. And wounds caused by uncontrolled bleeding, conditions with rapid and severe dehydration such as diarrhea, vomiting; severe infection or allergic reaction, which can be life-threatening.
Huyết áp thấp có thể đe dọa đến tính mạng
Chóng mặt là triệu chứng quan trọng trong bệnh huyết áp thấp

5. Causes of low blood pressure

Some of the following are considered reasons for low blood pressure:
Adverse reactions of certain medications, including: diuretics, anesthetics or anesthetics, nitrates, calcium-preventing drugs, some antidepressants or medicines for high blood pressure. Dehydration (due to excessive sweating, blood loss or acute diarrhea). Syncope, shock. Sudden change of position, lying down, sitting suddenly standing up causes postural drop in blood pressure. Shock due to internal bleeding, acute infection or heart failure, abnormal heart rhythm, acute angina due to acute coronary disease. allergic reactions: anaphylaxis People with complications of diabetes due to poor blood sugar control; Metabolic endocrine disease with frequent urination causes dehydration. May be related to pregnancy due to compression of the fetus in the mother's abdominal cavity. Varicose veins caused by posture in some people are due to occupations that always work in a standing position for many hours

6. Effective treatment for low blood pressure?

Use a lot of salt: Experts often recommend limiting salt in your diet because sodium can raise blood pressure, but excessive and uncontrolled diet will cause salt deficiency which also causes low blood pressure. Because excess sodium can lead to heart failure, especially in older adults, it's important to check with your doctor before increasing the amount of salt in your diet.
Drink more water: Fluids increase blood volume and help prevent dehydration, both of which are important in the treatment of hypotension.
Wear compression stockings: Elastic (compression stockings) commonly used to relieve pain and swelling of the veins can help reduce the amount of blood in your legs.
Medications: Certain medications can be used to treat low blood pressure that occurs when you stand up (orthostatic hypotension). For example, drugs that affect water and salt metabolism such as fludrocortisone, which helps increase your blood volume, are often used to treat this form of low blood pressure, but must be prescribed by a specialist. Acute hypotension should be treated urgently according to the regimen depending on the cause of the drop in blood pressure.
Huyết áp thấp có thể đe dọa đến tính mạng
Sử dụng nhiều muối là một cách làm tăng huyết áp hiệu quả

7. Appropriate lifestyle when treating low blood pressure

Drink enough water, limit beer and alcohol. Alcohol is dehydrating and can lower blood pressure, even if you drink it in moderation. The advice is that you should drink enough water during the day (about 1 - 1.5 liters / day; when the weather is dry, from 1.5 to 2 liters / day). Water counteracts dehydration and increases blood volume. Healthy diet. Eat a variety of foods, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean chicken and fish. Do not eat too light, for people who are prescribed diuretics, they need to be regularly monitored by a doctor for electrolytes.. Pay attention to your body position. Gently move when changing positions such as slowly when lying, sitting, squatting to standing. Do not sit with your legs crossed. Eat small, low-carb (Carbohydrate) meals. To help prevent a sharp drop in blood pressure after meals, eat small portions each day and limit carbohydrate-rich foods like potatoes, rice, pasta, and bread. In short, low blood pressure for some people is not a problem but for some people it is extremely dangerous, even fatal. There are many ways to treat low blood pressure, but the first thing you should do is go to Vinmec International General Hospital to check if your blood pressure is ok, what issues need attention and You will be enthusiastically consulted for a more comprehensive health.
If you need more advice and examination at Vinmec Health System Hospitals nationwide, please book an appointment on the website for service.

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