Severe, critical asthma: Consequences of not properly controlled asthma

The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Tran Thi Diem Trang - Respiratory Internal Medicine Doctor - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Severe bronchial asthma is an aggravation of asthma symptoms such as dyspnea, stridor, chest tightness... with peak flow falling below 60% of the theoretical value. Severe bronchial asthma often occurs in people with bronchial asthma but is not properly monitored and treated properly, leading to severe and critical condition.

1. Who is at risk for severe, life-threatening asthma?

Typical cases at risk of severe and severe asthma attacks are:
Patient has a history of severe asthma, has ever had to be intubated, has mechanical ventilation, has been hospitalized or emergency because of previous asthma attack in the past 1 year Person who is psychotic, alcoholic or is taking sedatives Patient is not monitored and treated properly Person has pneumothorax, atelectasis , pneumonia People with a history of smoking...

2. Consequences of severe and critical bronchial asthma

Hen phế quản nặng
Hen phế quản nặng và nguy kịch cần được xử lý kịp thời, đúng cách
Severe and critical bronchial asthma, if not handled promptly and properly, will cause uncontrollable consequences for the patient. The progression of severe and critical asthma attacks depends on whether the treatment is carried out quickly, in a timely manner, with the correct method and condition. Asthma attacks can last longer, worsen, become critical in a moment if treatment is slow, especially during the appointment of mechanical ventilation or drugs that are not effective enough for the patient.
The severity of an asthma attack depends on the occurrence of complications afterwards. People with severe and critical asthma will suffer the consequences of serious complications such as pneumothorax or mediastinum, which can occur spontaneously or as a result of mechanical ventilation complications. More serious are nosocomial infections, electrolyte disturbances due to dehydration during respiratory exertion, hypokalemia due to high doses of amphetamines.
In order to minimize severe and critical bronchial asthma, patients need to:
Periodic re-examination for disease monitoring, proper treatment, and appropriate treatment; Use the correct medication, as prescribed by the doctor; Avoid triggers. In addition, it is imperative to be examined and treated promptly and properly when an acute asthma attack occurs, especially for those at risk of severe and critical asthma attacks. mentioned above.
Hen phế quản nặng
Tầm soát, điều trị hen phế quản là việc không thể bỏ qua khi có bất cứ triệu chứng biểu hiện nào bất thường về hô hấp

Vinmec Times City's team of highly qualified and experienced doctors; full range of professional means to diagnose, determine the cause of bronchial asthma and stage it before treatment; quick examination time, thorough consultation, easy compliance with treatment management, helping patients feel secure in examination and treatment.
When registering for the bronchial asthma screening package, customers will receive:
01 appointment with an Allergist - Clinical Immunology 01 screening tests: Measurement of respiratory function aspiration Measure FeNo Endoscopy otorhinolaryngology Allergen test

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