Uses of Bivantox 200mg

Bivantox medicine 200mg is manufactured and registered by TW1 Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Pharbaco) - Vietnam. Bivantox 200mg has the main ingredient is Alpha lipoic acid, used in the treatment of neurological disorders.

1. What is Bivantox 200mg?

Bivantox medicine 200mg is classified in the group of minerals and vitamins, the drug has the main active ingredient is alpha lipoic acid. Dosage form: Film-coated tablets, each containing 200mg alpha lipoic acid and excipients just enough. Packing form: Blister of 10 tablets, each box contains 3 blisters.

2. What are the effects of Bivantox 200mg?

Pharmacodynamics: Alpha lipoic acid, also known as thioctic acid, is an endogenous vitamin analog. Alpha lipoic acid acts as an endogenous coenzyme, participating in and oxidizing the CO2 formation of keto acids. In patients with diabetes, elevated blood glucose levels result from the accumulation of glucose in the parent proteins in the blood vessels and the formation of glycosylation products. The result of this process is increased blood flow to nerve cells and hypoxemia, neuroendocrine ischemia, and increased formation of free oxygen radicals. In addition, alpha lipoic acid is also used in the treatment of hepatobiliary diseases. Pharmacokinetics: Alpha lipoic acid is rapidly and completely absorbed after oral administration. The bioavailability of alpha lipoic acid in solid form is 60% higher than in oral solution. Alpha lipoic acid is distributed into body tissues, with a half-life in the blood of about 25 minutes. Maximum plasma concentrations are reached 0.5 hours after dosing. Alpha lipoic acid is eliminated mainly by the kidneys as metabolites.

3. Indications and contraindications of Bivantox 200mg

Bivantox medicine 200mg is usually indicated in the following cases:
Nerve pain, sensory disturbances in people with diabetes. Prevents oxidation, fights free radicals, detoxifies the liver. Contraindications: Absolutely do not use Bivantox 200mg for the following cases:
Allergy to any ingredient of Bivantox 200mg drug. Malabsorption, no absorption of glucose, fructose. Saccharase-isomaltase deficiency. Children and adolescents: Due to insufficient data on safety in this population, Bivantox 200mg should not be used in children and adolescents.

4. Dosage and how to use Bivantox 200mg

You need to carefully read the information about Bivantox 200mg in the drug leaflet as well as strictly follow the instructions of your doctor or pharmacist before taking the medicine. To be on the safe side, you must not change the dose and the way you take your medicine without your doctor's permission, and do not give it to others when they have the same symptoms as you. Dosage: 1 tablet/day. Drink in the morning before eating How to use: Take the whole tablet with water in the morning when you wake up, 30 minutes before breakfast because food can reduce the bioavailability of the drug. Do not take the drug with other liquids such as tea, tea, coffee, ... because it may affect the absorption of the drug. For diabetic polyneuropathy: this is a chronic condition, so long-term treatment may be required. What should I do if I miss a dose of Bivantox 200mg?
Take another dose as soon as you remember. If it's almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as directed. Note: Do not take 2 tablets at the same time to make up for the missed dose. What to do in case of an overdose of Bivantox 200mg?
When you overdose, you may experience nausea, vomiting, headache. There have been reports of severe and possibly fatal intoxication when doses of 10-40g bivantox were taken with alcohol. The first signs of toxicity may manifest as psychomotor or consciousness disturbances, seizures, and lactic acidosis. There is also hypoglycemia, shock, globulinuria, disseminated thromboembolism, marrow failure, multi-organ failure, ... Treatment: take the victim immediately to the nearest medical facility for treatment. timely rescue. Family members need to bring all medications that the patient is taking, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, functional foods, vitamins, etc. Treatment includes symptomatic treatment and supportive treatment. treatment, seizures, lactic acidosis, and life-threatening symptoms should be treated.

5. Side effects

During the use of Bivantox 200mg, you may experience the following undesirable effects:
Very rare: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal pain, rash, itching, urticaria, change taste changes, taste disturbances, hypoglycemia in diabetics, dizziness, sweating, headache, visual changes,... Frequency unknown: Insulin autoimmune syndrome. The side effects listed above are not exhaustive, and you may experience other side effects. Immediately notify your doctor or pharmacist when you see any unusual symptoms while taking the drug for advice and guidance.

6. Drug interactions

The combination of many drugs at the same time can affect the bioavailability, effects as well as increase the side effects of the drug. Therefore, to ensure safety during drug use, please list and inform your doctor about all the medicines you are taking. Drugs that can interact with Bivantox 200mg such as:
Cisplatin : When combined with bivantox will lose the effect of cisplatin. Metallic compounds such as iron, magnesium, milk (containing calcium). Insulin and other hypoglycemic agents: Increases the hypoglycemic effect when used with Bivantox 200mg, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the patient's blood sugar, reduce the dose of insulin and antidiabetic agents if necessary. . Interaction with food: Alcohol contains agents that promote the development and growth of neuropathy, so it may increase the therapeutic effect of Bivantox 200mg. Therefore, in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy, it is recommended to limit alcohol use.

7. Some notes when using Bivantox 200mg

Pregnant women: Bivantox 200mg does not affect fertility and does not harm the fetus, so it can be used for this object. Nursing Mothers: There is insufficient evidence whether CBivantox 200mg is excreted in human milk. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor when using alpha lipoic acid in this subject. Driving and operating machines: This medicine does not affect the ability to drive and use machines. Do not drink alcohol while taking Bivantox 200mg.

8. Preservation of drugs

Keep Bivantox 200mg in the manufacturer's packaging, in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Keep this medicine out of reach of children and pets. Do not leave Bivantox 200mg in a place that is too hot or too humid because it will affect the quality of the medicine.

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