Uses of Deflazacort

Deflazacort drug is made in the form of tablets with the strengths: 1mg, 6mg, 12g and 30mg. This is a group of pain relievers, antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, treating gout and bone and joint diseases.

1. Indications and contraindications to the drug Deflazacort

What is Deflazacort, and what are its effects? The following is information about the indications and contraindications of the drug:
1.1 Indications Deflazacort 6mg or other dosage forms such as 1mg, 12mg and 30mg are used to treat:
Inflammatory conditions: Asthma, arthritis , allergy,...; problems with the skin, heart, liver, kidneys, digestive system, eyes, or blood; Abnormal growths in the body such as tumors; Preventing rejection after organ transplantation. 1.2 Contraindications Contraindications to using Deflazacort for patients:
Gastrointestinal ulcers; Infectious conditions, viral infections such as: advanced tuberculosis, chickenpox, systemic fungal infections, ocular herpes simplex, herpes-zoster,...; Before and after vaccination; Hypersensitivity to Deflazacort or any of its ingredients.

2. How to use and dose of Deflazacort

How to use: The drug is taken orally, swallow the tablet whole with 1 glass of water. You should try to take the medicine at the same time each day for the best effect.
Dosage for adults: The starting dose can be up to 120mg/day. Maintenance dose is about 3-18mg/day: Rheumatoid arthritis: Maintenance dose is about 3-18mg/day. The lowest effective dose should be used, increasing the dose if necessary; Asthma: When treating an acute asthma attack, it may be necessary to use Deflazacort at a high dose of 48-72mg/day depending on the severity, gradually reducing the dose when the asthma is under control. When treating chronic asthma, the lowest possible dose should be used to control symptoms; Duchenne muscular dystrophy : The recommended dose is about 0.9mg/kg/day x 1 time; Dosage for children: For children use 0.25 - 1.5mg/kg body weight/day, should be taken every other day: Chronic arthritis in adolescents: Maintenance dose from 0.25 - 1mg/kg/day ; Nephrotic syndrome: Initial dose is 1.5mg/kg/day, then the dose will be gradually reduced depending on clinical response; Bronchial asthma: The starting dose is 0.25 - 1mg/kg body weight, taken every other day; Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: The recommended dose is about 0.9mg/kg/day x 1 time. Patients should take the medication exactly as directed by the doctor. Dosage will be adjusted depending on the type of disease being treated and other medications the patient is taking.
In case of overdose or in an emergency, the patient's family should call an ambulance or take the patient to the nearest medical center. If a dose is missed, the patient should take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as scheduled. Do not take a double dose.
Thuốc Deflazacort 6mg hay các dạng bào chế khác như 1mg, 12mg và 30mg

3. Deflazacort side effects

You should stop taking the medicine and see a doctor if you have the following side effects:
Allergies: Swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, lips, face, throat, which may make it difficult to swallow or breathe; itching, rash, or hives; Stomach ulcers: Passing stools like black tar, see fresh blood in stools or stools, with black flakes like coffee grounds when vomiting; Serious mental health problems: Feeling depressed or even having thoughts of suicide; agitation, mood swings - sad; feeling anxious, having problems sleeping, having trouble thinking, being confused and losing memory; hallucinations, negative thoughts, behavioral changes, feelings of loneliness,... Other side effects: Difficulty swallowing, may have white patches in the mouth causing sore throat, weight gain, sugar infections upper respiratory tract, increased appetite, cough, nasopharyngitis, urinary tract infection, obesity, hirsutism, erythema, dysmenorrhea, osteoporosis, fracture, dyspepsia, nausea, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia blood potassium, headache, dizziness, amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, candidiasis, skin atrophy, subcutaneous capillary dilation,...

4. Be careful when using Deflazacort

You should be especially careful, tell your doctor before using Deflazacort if:
You have ever had severe depression or bipolar disorder; Family history of depression or bipolar disorder; You have had psychological problems such as psychosis; You have health problems such as: Epilepsy, diabetes (or a loved one with diabetes), high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, osteoporosis, glaucoma (or a loved one with glaucoma), heart disease - liver - kidney, digestive system problems (esophagitis, peptic ulcer disease, colitis,...), ever had a bad reaction such as muscle weakness to steroid drugs, ever had viral or fungal infections, history of tuberculosis, history of blood vessel disorders such as blood clots, etc. Deflazacort is also not recommended during the first 3 months of pregnancy, unless there is a balance. your doctor's advice about the potential benefit-risk relationship. The drug should also not be used by mothers who are breastfeeding.
Thuốc Deflazacort 6mg được dùng để điều trị hen suyễn

5. Deflazacort drug interactions

Drug interactions can change how a drug works or increase the effect of side effects. Patients should list the medications they are taking for the doctor to consider and prescribe accordingly.
Some problems related to drug interactions patients need to pay attention to:
Quinolones: When used in combination with Deflazacort, there may be an increased risk of side effects such as tendonitis and tendon rupture; The maintenance dose of Deflazacort should be increased if co-administered with hepatic enzyme inducers such as rifabutin, carbamazepine, rifampicin, phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone and aminoglutethimide; The maintenance dose of Deflazacort may be reduced if used concomitantly with hepatic enzyme inhibitors such as ketoconazole; The dose of Deflazacort may be reduced in patients taking estrogen; The desired effects of hypoglycemic agents, diuretics and antihypertensives are antagonized by Deflazacort; The hypokalemic effect of loop diuretics, thiazide diuretics, acetazolamide, beta 2 agonists, carbenoxolone and xanthines is enhanced by Deflazacort; The effectiveness of coumarin anticoagulants may be increased when used concomitantly with Deflazacort; Renal clearance of salicylates is increased with the use of Deflazacort. Discontinuation of Deflazacort may cause salicylate toxicity; Antacids can interfere with the absorption of Deflazacort, so they should be taken at least 2 hours apart. In addition, Deflazacort can cause salt and water retention, increase potassium excretion, so it is necessary to limit salt in the patient's diet, in combination with adding potassium. Besides, patients should not take the drug with grapefruit juice.
Deflazacort is indicated in the treatment of many different diseases. Patients need to take the drug exactly as directed by the doctor to ensure the highest treatment effectiveness, reduce the risk of side effects or unpredictable complications.
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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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