Uses of Kbtaxime

The drug Kbtaxime has the main ingredient Cefotaxime sodium. The drug is used to treat bacterial infections such as: blood infections, arthritis, bone, meningitis, soft tissue infections, respiratory infections, .... Here is some useful information about the drug. Kbtaxime helps patients learn and use drugs safely and effectively.

1. What are the effects of Kbtaxime?

Kbtaxime is indicated for the treatment of patients with serious bacterial infections that need to be treated with injectable antibiotics as in the following cases:
Treatment of blood infections. Treatment of bone and joint infections. Treatment of pericarditis caused by Gr(+) cocci & Gr(-) bacteria, Treatment of skin infections, cellulitis, impetigo, boils, abscesses. Treatment of gynecological and obstetric inflammatory diseases, gonorrhea. Treatment of urinary tract infections. Treatment of lower respiratory infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis. Treatment of intra-abdominal infections: enteritis, bacillus dysentery. Treatment of meningitis. Prophylaxis of infection before and after surgery in surgical patients who are likely to develop infections. Kbtaxime drug is not used for patients with hypersensitivity or history of allergy to Cephalosporin, allergy to Penicillin and other excipients in the drug Kbtaxime
Kbtaxime drug should not be used for patients with kidney failure.
Do not use Kbtaxime for pregnant and lactating women.

2. Dosage - How to take Kbtaxime

2.1. How to use the drug Kbtaxime is prepared in the form of a powder for injection and is tolerated in the body by intramuscular injection or intravenous infusion.
Patients should visually inspect the ampoules before use for residue and damage.
2.2. Dosage The dose of Kbtaxime depends on each subject and the course of the disease, and the appropriate dose will be used. Here is the reference dose of Kbtaxime as follows:
For adults:
Treatment of uncomplicated infections is 1g Cefotaxime/12 hours, can be injected IM or IV. Treatment of severe infections, meningitis, the drug dose is 2g Cefotaxime/6 - 8 hours, can be injected IM or IV. Treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea is a single dose of 1g Cefotaxime, using the IM injection technique. Prophylaxis of surgical infections with a drug dose of 1g Cefotaxime, injected 30 minutes before surgery. For children:
Children from 2 months to < 12 years old, the dose is 50mg - 150mg/kg/day, divided into 3-4 times a day. Can be injected IM or IV. Newborns > 7 days old, dose is 75mg - 150mg/kg/day, divided into 3 injections per day, using IV injection technique. Premature infants & neonates < 7 days dose is 50mg/kg/day, divided into 2 injections per day, using IV injection technique. For patients with renal failure ClCr < 10mL: It is necessary to adjust the dose to half the dose.
Patients need to apply the exact dose of Kbtaxime indicated on the product packaging or instructions from the doctor or pharmacist. Do not arbitrarily calculate, apply or change the dose to avoid affecting health.

3. Kbtaxime drug interactions

Here are some reported Kbtaxime drug interactions such as:
Patients should not take Kbtaxime at the same time as Fosfomycin. The Cefotaxime component in the drug when taken with Colistin increases the risk of kidney damage. Cefotaxime component in the drug when used with Azlocillin, in patients with renal failure may have brain disease and partial seizures. If Cefotaxime is taken with other Ureido-penicillins, the clearance of Cefotaxime will be reduced in patients with normal renal function as well as in patients with impaired renal function. Cefotaxime dose must be reduced if the combination of Ureido-penicillin is used. Cefotaxime used concurrently with penicillin can cause encephalopathy and partial seizures. Aminoglycoside antibiotics and diuretics: Use caution when treating patients receiving aminoglycoside antibiotics and potent diuretics such as furosemide because this combination is suspected to have adverse effects on renal function. However, at the recommended dose of cefotaxime, nephrotoxicity is not usually expected. Uric Acid Eliminators: Probenecid affects the renal tubular transport of Cefotaxime, slows its excretion and increases serum concentrations. Effects on test results when using Cefotaxime: Give false positive Coombs test results if treated with Cephalosporin antibiotics. This phenomenon may occur during Cefotaxime treatment and may affect blood group cross comparison. False-positive reactions for glucose in the urine may occur with copper reduction methods (Benedict, Fehling or Clinitest), but not with glucose oxidase-specific methods.

4. What side effects does Kbtaxime cause?

The side effects of Kbtaxime are infrequent and are usually mild and transient. During the use of Kbtaxime, patients may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Hypersensitivity: There have been reports of hypersensitivity reactions. These reactions include: skin rash, itching and rarely urticaria, very rarely anaphylaxis. Occasionally, patients have Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epithelial necrosis, erythema multiforme. Injection site pain, induration, tenderness and inflammation at the injection site. Fever, eosinophilia. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis. Headache, headache, dizziness, hallucinations. If patients take high doses of cephalosporin antibiotics, especially in patients with kidney failure, it can cause encephalopathy such as: loss of consciousness, abnormal movements and convulsions. Arrhythmia. Usually, there are very few cases of patients experiencing arrhythmias when rapidly infusion through a central venous catheter. Candida infection, vaginitis. Mild increases in hepatic transaminases, alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin, transient hepatitis and cholestatic jaundice. Occasionally, interstitial nephritis, with slight increases in urea, have been reported. Hematologic changes. As with other beta-lactam antibiotics, when treated with Cefotaxime very rarely agranulocytosis or agranulocytosis, especially during long-term treatment. There have been a few cases of neutropenia and eosinophilia but reversible upon discontinuation of treatment. Some cases of eosinophilia and thrombocytopenia were reversible upon discontinuation of therapy. Blood counts should be monitored in cases of treatment lasting more than 10 days. It is necessary to inform the doctor about the unwanted effects that the patient encounters when using the drug and need to go to the nearest medical examination and treatment address for timely treatment, avoiding serious consequences later.

5. What to do when using Kbtaxime Injection drug overdose?

If during or after treatment the patient overdoses on the drug, the following symptoms will appear:
Severe diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis. Symptomatic toxicity If pseudomembranous colitis is a serious gastrointestinal disorder, treatment with Cefotaxime should be discontinued immediately and a clinically effective antibiotic for C.difficile colitis should be instituted.
If there are symptoms of poisoning, stop the drug immediately and take the patient to the hospital for treatment, take timely measures to avoid danger.

6. Pay attention to precautions when using the drug Kbtaxime

If in this case, the patient decides to be treated with Cefotaxime, the patient's history of allergy to Penicillin, Cephalosporin or other drugs must be carefully checked. There is cross-allergy between penicillin and cephalosporin in 5 - 10% of cases. Commercial preparations of Cefotaxime containing Lidocaine should only be administered intramuscularly, never intravenously. Kbtaxime should be used with caution in patients with renal failure. If Kbtaxime is co-administered with potentially nephrotoxic drugs (eg, aminoglycosides), the renal function should be monitored basally. Kbtaxime can cause false positives with Coombs test, with tests of urinary tract, with reducing agents without using enzyme method. Blood counts should be closely monitored if treatment lasts > 7 days. In case of neutrophil count (<1400/mm3), treatment with Cefotaxime should be discontinued. Because when taking Cefotaxime may develop hematological abnormalities. Cefotaxime should not be used, especially if prolonged use can cause superinfection with non-susceptible organisms, such as strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus, Candida, it is necessary to re-evaluate the patient's condition. In the event of superinfection with Cefotaxime, specific antibacterial therapy should be considered. For patients who need to limit sodium, it is important to note the sodium content of Cefotaxime (2.09mmol/g). Cefotaxime may cause pseudomembranous enterocolitis. This side effect may occur more often in patients receiving high and prolonged doses of Cefotaxime, which is potentially serious. Patients should be tested for the presence of C. difficile toxin, and treatment with Cefotaxime should be discontinued if enterocolitis is suspected. The diagnosis can be confirmed by toxicology and specific antibiotic therapy such as oral vancomycin or metronidazole may be considered. Concomitant administration of Cefotaxime with anti-diarrheal products should be avoided. Care should be taken when using Kbtaxime with drivers and operating machines. Due to the active ingredient Cefotaxime may cause dizziness, affect the ability to drive and use machines. Pregnancy: The safety of Cefotaxime in pregnancy has not been established. Although animal studies have shown that Cefotaxime is known to cross the placenta and has no harmful effects on fetal development. Therefore, Kbtaxime should not be used during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, without weighing the expected benefits and potential risks. Lactation: Caution should be exercised when Cefotaxime is administered to a nursing woman. Because Cefotaxime is secreted into breast milk in small amounts and is generally suitable for breastfeeding, monitoring of nursing infants is recommended.

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