Uses of Raciper 20mg

Raciper 20mg medicine contains the compound Esomeprazole which is indicated in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in people with esophagitis or severe reflux symptoms. However, Raciper 20mg drug can cause some unwanted side effects such as digestive disorders, headaches... Therefore, before using the drug, patients should learn carefully and consult a doctor. doctor.

1. Mechanism of action of Raciper 20mg

Raciper 20mg drug contains Esomeprazole which acts as a proton pump inhibitor. Esomeprazole is a weak alkali that is concentrated and converted to the active form in the acidic environment of the processing tubules of the cell wall. In this position, the compound Esomeprazole inhibits the acid pump and basal secretion. After 5 days of administration, gastric pH was greater than 4 and maintained for a period of 13 to 17 hours within 24 hours for patients with symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease. Cases of using Raciper for patients with esophagitis caused by reflux esophagitis were healed after 4 weeks, accounting for 78% and after 8 weeks accounted for 93%. In addition, the Esomeprazole compound in Raciper 200mg also helps increase blood gastrin levels in response to a decrease in gastric acid.
When the drug enters the body will be distributed apparent at steady state in healthy subjects with about 0.22L/kg body weight. The compound Esomeprazole is approximately 97% bound to plasma proteins. Esomeprazole compounds are completely metabolised via the cytochrome PP450 system. The major part of the metabolism of Esomeprazole is dependent on the polymorphic CYP2C19 enzyme, which forms hydroxy and desmethyl metabolites. The remainder of the metabolism depends on the specific isoform.
The plasma clearance of Raciper 20 mg is approximately 17 l/hr after single dosing and about 9 l/hr with repeated dosing. The plasma half-life is up to 1.3 hours following repeated once-daily dosing. The increased concentration and duration of exposure may be dose dependent and results in a nonlinear relationship between duration of exposure and dose after repeated administration. This dependence may be due to a decrease in first-stage metabolism by the liver and a decrease in systemic clearance that inhibits the enzyme CYP2C19.
Raciper 20 mg can be completely eliminated from plasma between doses with no tendency to accumulate when dosing once daily.
The main metabolites of the Esomeprazole compound in Raciper 20mg do not affect gastric acid secretion. And 80% of this compound is excreted in the urine, and the rest is excreted in the feces.

2. Indications and contraindications to the use of Raciper 20mg

What is Raciper 20mg? Raciper 20mg is indicated for use in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in patients with esophagitis. However, this drug may also be contraindicated in some cases such as hypersensitivity to the drug's components such as Esomeprazole, benzimidazoles, nelfinavir...

3. Dosage and how to use Raciper 20mg

The drug is used for both adults and children. For adults, use the drug to help heal erosive esophagitis with a dose of 20mg or 40mg with a frequency of once a day. And use this therapeutic dose for 4 to 8 weeks. In the case of using Raciper 20mg to maintain the healing of erosive esophagitis, a dose of 20mg should be used with a frequency of 1 time per day. The duration of use of the drug should not exceed 6 months. In case of symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease, a dose of about 20 mg should be used with a frequency of once a day and the duration of treatment lasts from 4 to 8 weeks.
Raciper 20mg for children aged 12 to 17 years: Short-term treatment of GERD with a dose of 20mg or 40mg with a frequency of once a day and used for 8 weeks. Treatment of erosive esophagitis in children under 20 kg usually has a dose of 10mg with a frequency of 1 time per day and lasts for 8 weeks.
Treatment of NSAID-associated gastric ulcer risk using 20 mg or 40 mg once daily for 6 months.
H.pylori eradication treatment reduces the risk of duodenal ulcer recurrence with a dose of 40mg twice daily and lasts about 10 days.
Use Raciper 20mg should be taken on an empty stomach and 1 hour before eating. The tablet should be swallowed whole and not chewed or crushed before taking. In case the patient has difficulty swallowing or cannot swallow, the tablet should be dispersed in half a glass of non-carbonated water, stirred to dissolve and taken immediately. In case of inability to swallow, disperse the drug in non-carbonated water and use a nasogastric tube to deliver the drug into the body.
Raciper 20mg drug is used in the form of injection with a dose of 20 to 40mg once a day. The drug is mixed with solution for injection should be administered intravenously over a minimum period of 3 minutes with a dose of 40mg. With a dose of 20 grams, half the solution is mixed and also injected in a minimum of 3 minutes. However, in this case, the unused solution should be discarded.
People with diseases related to kidney function do not need to adjust the amount of treatment drugs. However, due to the limited experience of using Raciper 20mg with this subject, it should be used with caution and careful consideration.
For patients with liver dysfunction, no dose adjustment is required in mild to moderate disease. But with severe liver failure, do not use Raciper 20mg more than 20mg Esomeprazole.
Dosages of Raciper 20mg are for reference only. To use the drug effectively and minimize the side effects of the drug, you should consult your doctor before using it.
In case you forget to take a dose of Raciper 20mg, you can skip the missed dose and use the next dose. Patients should pay attention not to double the dose, which may cause adverse effects on the patient's health.

4. Unwanted side effects and some notes when using Raciper 20mg

Raciper 20mg medicine can cause some unwanted side effects. Can divide the degree of occurrence of side effects when using Raciper 20mg, including: common side effects appear headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea or vomiting, constipation. Few or rare side effects such as dermatitis, pruritus, urticaria, dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision, angioedema reactions, anaphylaxis, elevated liver enzymes, Steven Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme , muscle pain.
In addition, Raciper 20mg also causes adverse reactions:
Central and peripheral nervous system: symptoms such as paresthesia, drowsiness, insomnia, dizziness, mental confusion, agitation , this hot, depression, hallucinations. These symptoms are common in critically ill patients. Gastrointestinal: with symptoms of stomatitis or gastrointestinal candidiasis Hematology with symptoms of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia and total blood cell reduction in the body Liver with symptoms of hepatitis or liver failure or possibly progression of encephalopathy in patients with pre-existing liver disease. Skin with symptoms of rash, photosensitivity, toxic epidermal necrolysis, alopecia Other adverse reactions include fatigue, fever, bronchospasm, interstitial nephritis, increased sweating , peripheral edema, taste disturbance, hyponatremia. Or the visual damage is difficult to recover in patients with severe disease when using Raciper 20mg intravenously. Raciper 20mg may interact with the ingredients of ketoconazole, itraconazole, iron salts, digoxin, diazepam, clomipramine, phenytoin, or coumarin derivatives. Therefore, to ensure the health of the patient before using, you should discuss with your doctor for appropriate indications.

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