Uses of Tiphalevo

Tiphalevo belongs to the group of Hormonal - hormonal drugs, with the main ingredient being Levonorgestrel 0.03mg, made in the form of film-coated tablets, packing specifications: Box of 1 blister x 28 tablets. To use the drug effectively, patients need to learn some information about the uses, dosage and notes when using Tiphalevo in the article below.

1. What are the effects of Tiphalevo?

Tiphalevo is used daily to prevent pregnancy alone. The drug can also be used by women who are breast-feeding.

2. Dosage, how to use Tiphalevo

Take Tiphalevo on the first day of your menstrual cycle and take 1 tablet daily without interruption for the entire time you want to prevent pregnancy. If you start on a different day of your period, you may need another supplemental contraceptive (eg condoms) within 48 hours of having sex. For women who have had a miscarriage, it is possible to take a progestin-only pill the next day. Tiphalevo must be taken at a fixed time of day, preferably after dinner or before going to bed. Keep the interval between doses always about 24 hours, if the interval is longer than 27 hours the contraceptive effect may be reduced. During the first 14 days of taking Tiphalevo, you will need to use another method of contraception (other than the method of body temperature). If you miss a dose of Tiphalevo within 3 hours, take it again as soon as possible and take the next pill at the usual time. Vomiting and diarrhea while taking Tiphalevo may lead to changes in drug absorption. If you vomit within 2 hours of taking Tiphalevo, take another 1 tablet as soon as possible (the last tablet of each Tiphalevo pack should be used). In the case of more than 3 hours without making up the pill, in addition to taking additional pills, you need to apply another method of contraception.

3. Contraindications to use Tiphalevo

Tiphalevo is contraindicated if you fall into one of the following cases:
Pregnant women or suspected of being pregnant. Abnormal vaginal bleeding with no known cause. Thrombophlebitis; Active thromboembolic disease. Acute liver disease and benign or malignant liver tumors. Have a history of or are suffering from Carcinoma of the breast. Jaundice or persistent itching during a previous pregnancy. Acute disorder of porphyrin metabolism. History of disproportionately elevated intracranial pressure. Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients, active ingredients in the drug Tiphalevo. Contraindications are understood as absolute contraindications, which means that for any reason, the contraindication can be flexibly used with Tiphalevo.

4. Interactions with other drugs

Concomitant use of Tiphalevo with the following drugs may interact:
Barbiturate derivatives; Phenytoin ; Carbamazepine; Medicines of medicinal origin containing Hypericum perforatum; Rifampicin; Ritonavir; Rifabutin Griseofulvin; Antibiotics can reduce the effect of Tiphalevo by interfering with the intestinal microflora; Voriconazole; Herbal medicine containing progestin; Increased effects and toxicity of drugs Benzodiazepine, Selegilin, Voriconazole when used concurrently with Tiphalevo; Tiphalevo reduces the effects and toxicity of vitamin K antagonists when administered concurrently. Increased metabolism of Tiphalevo when used concomitantly with inducers of liver enzymes. In order to avoid unwanted interactions when using Tiphalevo, patients should inform their doctor/pharmacist of all drugs, functional foods and herbs... being used for appropriate indications. .

5. Side effects of the drug Tiphalevo

The drug Tiphalevo can cause the following side effects for users:
Irregular menstruation; Headaches; Depression; Dizziness; Edema; Breast pain; Nausea; Amenorrhea; Weight change; Decreased sex drive; Hairy hair; Perspire; Hair loss; During the course of taking the drug, if you have any unusual symptoms suspected of using Tiphalevo, you need to notify your doctor / pharmacist for timely treatment.

6. Precautions when using Tiphalevo

Tiphalevo contains lactose monohydrate, so people with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or Lapp lactase deficiency should not take this medicine. Tiphalevo must be used with caution in patients with epilepsy, valvular heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, history of ectopic pregnancy, hypertension, diabetes, migraine, pelvic infections and disorders severe absorption. Tiphalevo should be used with caution in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus with positive antiphospholipid antibodies, polycystic ovary syndrome, or a history of jaundice during pregnancy. Tiphalevo can cause fluid retention, so it should be carefully monitored in people with asthma, edema. Irregular menstrual bleeding may occur in some women when Tiphalevo is started. However, you do not need to worry too much, after the first few cycles, your period will return to regularity. In summary, Tiphalevo is a single contraceptive that can be used by both lactating women. To ensure the effectiveness of the drug and avoid unwanted side effects, you need to use Tiphalevo as prescribed by your doctor / pharmacist.

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