Coronary artery stenosis, low blood pressure, is it correct to use drugs for high blood pressure?

Hello doctor. I was diagnosed with coronary artery stenosis and low blood pressure. Please ask the doctor with coronary artery stenosis, low blood pressure, is it correct to use medicine for high blood pressure? Thanks for the advice doctor.
Hoang Van Duoc (1960)
Hello brother! He was diagnosed with coronary artery bypass graft, because it can narrow the coronary arteries when the heart muscle contracts, causing unpleasant symptoms that affect his life. Some antihypertensive drugs but have myocardial relaxant effects should be used for people with coronary artery disease. If you use the drug with discomfort, low blood pressure, maybe the drug is not suitable for you, you should check with your cardiologist so that the doctor can choose another more suitable drug.
In case you are too worried, you can go directly to the hospital of Vinmec Health System to be examined and given an intensive treatment.
Thank you for trusting and sharing the question "Coronary artery stenosis, low blood pressure, is it correct to use drugs for high blood pressure?" to Vinmec. Wish you good health always.
Answered by Master, Specialist II Pham Tuyet Trinh - Head of Inpatient Unit - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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