99% accurate signs of stomach ulcers

Video content is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Dong Xuan Ha - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

Medically, a peptic ulcer is a lesion that disrupts the lining of the stomach or duodenum. Simply put, just a certain problem that imbalances the protection of the stomach lining with the attack factor will cause problems on the surface, if the damage is deep through the mucosa, then it will cause problems. called peptic ulcer.

According to Doctor CKI Dong Xuan Ha - Vinmec Ha Long, there are many symptoms of stomach ulcers. However, the most common symptom is pain in the epigastrium (from the navel to the breast). The pain may be to the right (duodenum) or to the left (stomach). The pain of a stomach ulcer can be intermittent or dull.
Pain from stomach ulcers often occurs before eating. In addition, patients may experience accompanying symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, belching, heartburn, nausea, even black stools or vomiting blood. When these symptoms appear, the patient needs to go to the hospital to be examined by a specialist and have timely and appropriate treatment.
Some people have stomach ulcers but have no symptoms. An example is a stomach ulcer caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (HP bacteria).
Currently, the most common method of diagnosing gastric ulcers and giving the most accurate results is gastrointestinal endoscopy. The gastroscopy will help the doctor see clearly and in detail the patient's digestive tract, and accurately assess the extent of the disease. From there, it also predicts the possibility of treatment because there are simple ulcers that can be treated medically, but bad, rough, concave, fibrous ulcers can be gastric cancer. At that time, the gastroenterologist will biopsy the edge of the ulcer to diagnose stomach cancer early.
Causes of stomach ulcers include:
Viruses, bacteria; Habits of drinking alcohol, eating unscientific; Inappropriate use of pain relievers; There is a foreign body in the lumen of the digestive tract; Ingesting the wrong chemical. Gastric ulcer disease detected and treated early will have good progress. If the disease is severe and progresses to chronic, it will make treatment difficult and prolonged. Some commonly applied measures include:
Stop or limit pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to stabilize enzymes in the gastric mucosal protective system. Use drugs to protect mucous membranes, drugs to treat HP bacteria. Eating in moderation, right meals, science, limiting alcohol, spicy foods to help the stomach work healthy will protect the stomach better. In addition, regular exercise, scientific work, and avoiding anxiety and stress regulate mucosal activity for better treatment.

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