Pinworm disease caused by Gnathostoma spinigerum

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Le Nguyen Hong Tram - Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

Parasitic infections in general and gnathostomiasis caused by Gnathostoma spinigerum in particular with diverse clinical symptoms are easily misdiagnosed with other diseases. The main cause of the disease is eating raw food or food that has not been carefully processed from some foods in endemic areas.

1. Characteristics of gnathostomiasis caused by Gnathostoma spinigerum

Gnathostoma is caused by the parasite Gnathostoma, which is a disease with a low detection rate. Characteristic of this parasite is roundworm larvae, the common type is Gnathostoma spinigerum.
Mode of transmission by eating, people who eat dishes made from eels, fish, frogs, frogs, shrimp... or drink water containing live pathogens, not thoroughly cooked are those at risk. infection. Especially patients who live and work in endemic areas.
Clinical diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations characteristic of larva migratory syndrome and visceral larva migratory syndrome.
The disease caused by gnathostomiasis can persist for 10-12 years, so it can invade any part of the body, causing complications for each organ. In particular, larvae can enter the brain and cause death.
Bệnh giun đầu gai
Bệnh do giun đầu gai có thể tồn tại 10 – 12 năm

2. Symptoms of gnathostomiasis

Symptoms of gnathostomiasis include:
Swollen muscle pain often swelling in the muscles of the limbs, face, chest pain, making the patient feel short of breath. In the digestive tract: Larvae usually parasitize the stomach and liver, can travel to the abdominal cavity to form tumors. The patient presented with appendicitis, cholecystitis, or pseudo-massive bowel lesions. The most common clinical symptom is chronic urticaria with features of lumps of various sizes, which can be moved with pain. Move to the urinary system causing hematuria Moving to the eye causes vision loss, blindness, eye pain, photophobia Moving to the ear causes hearing loss, tinnitus,... Appears subcutaneous abscess May cause sepsis Move to lungs causing cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, coughing up worms. Causes disease in the central nervous system causing acute meningitis, parotid muscle swelling similar to mumps; Larvae can also enter the eye causing iritis, anterior chamber ...
Giảm thị lực đột ngột
Giun đầu gai di chuyển đến mắt gây giảm thị lực

3. Diagnosis of gnathostomiasis caused by Gnathostoma spinigerum

The diagnosis is based on techniques to find worm larvae in the ulcer site. Diagnostic tests include:
Blood counts with elevated eosinophils Elisa serologic test for positive Gnathostoma Direct microscopy finds gnathostomiasis larvae in ulcers and boils , abscess,... Can be trialled with specific treatment drugs with good effective response for diagnosis.

4. Treatment of gnathostomiasis

Treatment of gnathostomiasis with drugs Albendazole, thiabendazole or ivermectin.
It is possible to use a combination of surgical methods, injecting the abscess and removing the worm larvae from the body.

5. Prevention of gnathostomiasis

Make sure to use a hygienic water source. Drink cooled boiled water, do not drink cold water. Should not eat raw, rare, undercooked foods,... especially aquatic and seafood foods such as eels, fish, frogs, frogs, shrimps, etc. Therefore, when processing food, especially eel meat, fish, frogs, frogs, shrimp... should wear protective rubber gloves.
Uống nước
Uống nước đun sôi để nguội không được uống nước lã để phòng ngừa nhiễm giun đầu gai

Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit examination and treatment at the Hospital.

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