Quiz: How much do you know about Crohn's disease?

How much do you know about Crohn's disease? This disease brings a lot of trouble to the patient, if not detected and treated can cause dangerous complications. Answering the following multiple-choice questions quickly will help you better understand Crohn's disease.

Crohn's disease abbreviated IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) has a dangerous nature, causing inflammation, spreading and going deep into the wall of the digestive tract causing ulcers and bleeding. The disease occurs in all ages but accounts for the highest rate, which is young age. There is currently no cure for Crohn's disease, but therapies can significantly reduce the signs and symptoms of the disease, even bring about long-term remission and healing of the inflammation.
In addition, there are pathogens such as genetics, pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites), improper diet. In addition, some factors favor the occurrence or worsening of Crohn's disease, such as smoking, genetics, living in an environment with the influence of dust, chemicals (industrial, laboratory, etc.) ),... is also being mentioned.

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