Can a loved one's stem cells be used to treat blood cancer?

Hello doctor. Doctor, I want to store stem cells for my child. In case my relatives have blood cancer, can I use it? And do stem cell transplants from the source stored in Vinmec have to be transplanted at Vinmec?
Anonymous question
Hello. I would like to answer your question as follows:
When a family member has blood cancer, it is possible to use your child's stem cells. This ability depends on the type of stem cell (hematopoietic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells), the tissue compatibility between the patient and your child, etc. To know the exact likelihood, it is necessary to know the exact capacity. do more specific tests at the time there is a need to use stem cells for treatment.
The implementation of stem cell transplantation from stem cell sources stored at Vinmec can be done at Vinmec or any capable medical facility. Which medical facility to choose is up to the family's discretion. Vinmec will try to support the best possible to help the family coordinate with the carrier to bring the stem cell source to the safest place for treatment.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Doctor, Doctor Tuong Thi Van Thuy - Vinmec High-Tech Center.

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