Cut warts should take antibiotics?

Doctor, I just came back from cutting the warts on my index finger, afraid of infection, so I went to the pharmacy to buy medicine. The drug dealer told me that I had to take antibiotics for 3 days, if I quit, I would get sick, so now I want to ask if I should take it for exactly 3 days. Because I know, taking a lot of antibiotics will not be good, hope the doctor can help me?
Anonymous Question
Dear friend! Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec Health System. Warts are a skin disease caused by certain strains of the HPV virus. Currently, the methods of treating warts used by medical facilities can be: liquid nitrogen dot, electrocautery, bleomycin or interferon injection, minor surgery... The risk of infection of these methods is not the same. and evaluated by the treating physician. Because the treatment for your warts is not known and the risk of infection is unknown, the pharmacist is not able to provide complete information for your question. In addition, you should not buy antibiotics on your own, because antibiotics belong to the group of prescription drugs, the use of which must be prescribed by a doctor. In cases where antibiotic treatment is indicated, you should use the drug exactly as prescribed. Arbitrary discontinuation or dose reduction can affect the effectiveness of treatment and increase the rate of antibiotic resistance. Best regards!
Specialist Doctor II, Master Nguyen Thi Huong Linh - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.

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