Does the child have a fever, cry, and vomit a lot?

My child had a fever of 38.5 last night, I gave him medicine to reduce the fever, but in the morning, he still plays normally around 8 am. I cook flour with egg yolks to feed and from 10 am, he cries but he vomits all the time. vomit again. Can I ask if the child has a fever, is crying, and vomiting a lot? Thank you doctor.
Vu Thi Ngan (1993)
Answered by Master. Doctor Phan Ngoc Hai - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital
With the question: "Is it okay for a child with a fever to cry and vomit a lot?" The doctor's answer is as follows:
The child may be suffering from an inflammatory bowel disease or digestive disorder. Children may have a mild fever, accompanied by vomiting, and loose stools. You can monitor more, supplement with digestive enzymes and use antipyretic drugs if the fever is above 38.5 degrees Celsius, wear loose clothing and monitor.
If the child has a high fever, does not bring down the fever, continues vomiting, eats poorly, shows signs of dehydration or suspects dehydration, has blood in the stools, take the child to the doctor for the best treatment.
If you still have questions about the child's fever, fussiness and vomiting, you can take the child to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for examination. Thank you for your interest and question to Vinmec.
Best regards!

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