How should tooth decay cause bad breath to be improved?

Hello doctor, this year I am going to be 17 years old with severe tooth decay to the point of losing my permanent teeth, but the tooth frame is still there, forming a pit that causes bad breath. I want to improve my bad breath, but I can't plant new teeth until I'm 18. The doctor can help and advise me on how to improve the problem of tooth decay causing bad breath? Thank you!
Anonymous question
Hello! You should go to the Dental - Jaw - Facial - Hospital of Vinmec Health System to be checked, if there are roots, you should extract, if there is tartar, you should take it.
When healed, you can make dental restorations to improve the current condition. Thank you for trusting and sharing the question "How should tooth decay cause bad breath to be improved?" to Vinmec. Wish you good health and always confident in life.
Answered by Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Khanh Nam - Doctor of Odonto-Stomatology - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

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