Meaning of Neutrophile, Eosinophile, Mpv, Glucose index in blood test

Hello doctor. Can you give me information about the meaning of Neutrophile, Eosinophile, Mpv, Glucose in blood tests? I checked my health in the company, the doctor diagnosed me with tuberculosis.
Neutrophile 66.70 Eosinophile 0.37 Mpv 5.39 Glucose 6.51 Nguyen Thi Hai Yen (1990)
Hello, I would like to answer your question about the meaning of Neutrophile, Eosinophile, Mpv, Glucose index in your blood test as follows:
Test results: Neutrophile index 66.70; Eosinophile 0.37; Mpv 5.39: these results are within the normal range. Glucose 6.51 is slightly higher than normal, but that doesn't mean you're sick.
Blood sugar may increase if you eat before taking blood for testing, or the night before you eat more starch, or eat sweet fruit, drink soft drinks... You can go for the test again at the hospital Hospitals under Vinmec Health System to be answered by a specialist doctor. Remember to fast for breakfast and the night before to limit eating sugar or sweet fruit. Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec.
Specialist II Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai - Doctor of Hematology-Blood Transfusion - Laboratory Department - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

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