Should enlarged tonsils (J31) be cut?

Please ask the doctor, when examining the throat at the Ear - Nose - Throat specialist, the doctor diagnosed that the tonsils were too large (J31). So the doctor asked, if the tonsils are so big, should they be cut? Thank you doctor.
Huy (1980)
Hello. Large tonsils are not an indication that needs to be cut, if that tonsils cause inflammation over and over again, usually more than 3 times a year or large tonsils cause snoring, sleep apnea, then you need to have them removed.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
MSc. BS. Nguyen Vinh Toan - Ear - Nose - Throat Doctor - Interdisciplinary Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.

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