Should you remove earwax at home?

Hello doctor. Doctor, I know that I shouldn't get earwax, but in one ear, I have a lot of earwax and dry completely blocked the ear canal. My ears are small, so it's hard to get them. Is there a way to treat it at home? Because it makes it hard for me to hear, hearing loss? Thank you doctor!
Anonymous customer question
Hello. If you have identified the outer ear canal with wax filling the ear canal and hearing loss, you should go to the Ear - Nose - Throat specialist so that the doctor can examine and clean it for you. Do not remove earwax at home because you can injure the outer ear canal, possibly even perforating your eardrum.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
Answered by Doctor of Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

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