Note skin care after the age of 50

After the age of 50, most middle-aged women want to maintain the best appearance possible. To fulfill this requirement, cosmetic interventions, such as surgery, botox injection and the use of fillers all bring about significant improvement. However, there are still many non-invasive post-50 skin care measures that help prolong beauty and youth.

1. Use sunscreen every day

Sunscreen is one of the core ingredients for skin protection at any age. The role of sunscreen is to limit the penetration of UV rays on the skin. UV rays are the leading cause of hyperpigmentation, wrinkles and skin cancer.
The secret to choosing and using sunscreen is as follows:
Not all sunscreens are equally effective. Accordingly, you should choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, which blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Wear sunscreen even when it's raining or cloudy, because UV rays have the ability to pass through clouds, causing damage to the skin. In particular, you should use sunscreen every day when going out and clean your face at night.

2. Use the right cleanser and moisturizer to care for your skin after the age of 50

It is very important in skin care after the age of 50 to choose a cleanser, moisturizer according to each skin type.
If you have oily skin, this is a blessing as oily skin tends to develop less wrinkles. If you have sensitive skin, you should test all of your skin care products on your neck or hands before use. Products loved a few years ago may not be suitable for current skin conditions, so it is important to double check before using.
Besides, everyone can notice, as you get older, your skin will become dry. The reason is that as you age, your skin slows down in oil production, especially after menopause. At this time, the skin becomes dry, easily irritated and the use of moisturizers is extremely necessary.

3. Improve dry skin condition

To keep dry skin in the best possible condition, it is important to choose the right products that both do not deplete the skin's moisture and increase hydration. At the same time, exfoliate to help moisturizer products absorb better. Here are some tips to keep your face from drying out:
Don't use hot water: This strips the skin of its natural oils. Instead, use warm water or clean your skin with a cold cream. Use a cleanser specifically designed for dry skin that doesn't disrupt the skin's moisture barrier. Thick creams, moisturizers, and oils will help lock moisture in the skin. Always use appropriate skin care products at night and in the morning before applying makeup. Exfoliate your skin weekly: If you have dry skin, you can exfoliate once or twice a week by simply doing it with a wet washcloth or cotton ball. Besides, exfoliating will help skin care products absorb better. Consider using a serum that contains hyaluronic acid to help skin absorb and retain moisture.
Chăm sóc da sau tuổi 50
Cải thiện tình trạng da khô là bước cơ bản cần có trong chăm sóc da sau tuổi 50.

4. Exfoliate periodically

Skin cells die and thicken as a person ages. Therefore, the implementation of exfoliating is also a method of skin care at the age of 50. However, this should be done on both the body and face on a weekly basis, possibly more often if the skin is prone to dryness, itching and flaking, especially during the cold winter months.
Should use a dry brush or wet towel to exfoliate before bathing will help the moisturizer increase its effectiveness many times.

5. Use retinol extracts

Vitamin A retinol derivative is a very good skin care ingredient, should be used regularly every night for skin care after the age of 50, helping to reduce wrinkles thanks to its ability to penetrate deeply into the skin layers, Stimulates the elasticity of collagen.

6. Consider invasive skin care treatments

If you want to reduce the signs of skin aging in the elderly quickly, you should consider measures such as removing wrinkles, Botox injections or using fillers.
Botox will help tighten and erase sagging skin. Meanwhile, the filler will support the cheekbone area to become fuller. Means that use energy from laser light are also used for many skin problems. Although it can be more costly and painful, many women are quite pleased to get clear skin, free of freckles, acne scars or uneven texture after laser treatment.
Chemical peels in a dermatologist's office are also an option to consider. This procedure can help improve skin tone and texture, helping to diminish the presence of wrinkles. Furthermore, this procedure is relatively painless and less expensive than laser energy. However, optimal results are obtained only after a few times performed with a reasonable schedule and proper skin care measures.
In short, a beautiful and bright skin always requires a good skin care routine. However, if you know how to apply the above 50-year-old skin care instructions, you can slow down the aging process in the elderly and maintain a youthful appearance over the years.

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