Should I wear a mask after a peel?

Recently, peeling skin is a beauty method that many women love. According to the guidelines of experts, skin care after peel affects about 50% of treatment results. If you don't follow scientific skin care principles, your skin can get worse after a peel.

1. What is a skin peel?

Peel skin is also known as chemical peel - chemical peel. This is a form of exfoliation that uses a stronger concentration of acids than natural acids (like AHAs, TCAs, plant enzymes). The acids used are salicylic acid, lactic acid, and glycolic acid. Peeling skin not only helps to remove dead skin, keratinized layer and dirt on the skin, but also works to promote skin regeneration process more quickly. At the same time, peels also improve dull or uneven skin tone, reduce pigmentation, freckles and wrinkles.
Although it is a fairly common form of exfoliation, there are still some cases where it is not advisable to peel the skin to avoid more serious skin damage. Cases that cannot be peeled include:
Skin that has open wounds, burns or is infected with bacteria People with sensitive, easily irritated skin People with psoriasis, eczema, rosacea (skin peels without skin) effects or very slow effects) Pregnant or lactating women (peel skin uses chemicals with high concentrations, not safe for the health of mothers and babies) People using products Products with ingredients is Retin A .Renova.

2. Should I wear a mask after peel?

In fact, skin care after peel is very important, affecting up to 50% of treatment results. With a strong exfoliation mechanism, after a peel, the skin is very thin and weak. Women often feel burning and mild stinging on the skin. Therefore, many people are often concerned that during this period, the skin will be more sensitive and irritated if using skin care products. However, according to experts, the skin at this stage needs to be replenished with moisture and nutrients to nourish from the inside, stimulate the regeneration and proliferation of new cell tissues. Meanwhile, face masks are a very quick and effective source of nutrients. Masks also often contain active ingredients that help soothe and reduce burning of the skin. Therefore, after peeling the skin, it is very necessary to apply a mask.
However, not all masks are suitable for post-peel skin. Masks can become a cause of skin irritation if you choose products that contain active ingredients that can irritate sensitive skin. Therefore, when choosing a mask for the skin after a peel, you should prioritize products that contain natural, benign active ingredients with the main use of moisturizing the skin. In particular, you need to avoid using products with special effects such as whitening, containing vitamin C or tea tree, ... because it may contain irritating ingredients for sensitive skin.
Sau khi peel da bạn có thể đắp mặt nạ
Sau khi peel da bạn có thể đắp mặt nạ phù hợp với da

3. Note skin care after peel

After a peel, home skin care plays a very important role. To help the skin recover quickly and minimize risks and complications after a peel, you need to keep the following in mind:
Moisturize your skin regularly. You can use a mist, a hydrating mask, or a moisturizer. However, you should pay attention to only choose products that only have moisturizing functions with benign natural ingredients, suitable for sensitive skin. After the peel is done, the skin is quite weak and fragile. Therefore, in the first 2-3 days after the peel, you should wash your face with pure filtered water, do not use facial cleanser to avoid the active ingredients in the cleanser that cause skin irritation. After 3-4 days of peeling, the layer of dead cells on the surface of the skin will be keratinized, gradually dry, peeling. You absolutely should not touch your face or peel off that film, but let it peel off naturally. At the same time, you need to pay attention to clean hands before taking care of the skin. After the peel, you need to minimize makeup, because at this time the skin is recovering, so it is very thin and easy to irritate. The dust layer of cosmetics contains a lot of dirt, bacteria, if used on the skin after the peel, it can cause acne. Add more foods rich in protein, collagen, fiber, vitamins A, C, E and zinc to promote collagen proliferation for the skin. Always protect your skin from the sun before going out or sitting in front of electronic devices. It is recommended to use a sunscreen with an SPF of over 35 - this is a must because after a peel, the skin is more susceptible to sunburn than usual. In addition, you should use sun-protective clothing such as thick masks, wide-brimmed hats, etc. Skin care is a process that requires perseverance and effort of each person, especially with melasma skin. , freckles, ... If you choose to peel your skin to improve your skin's beauty, you need to know how to care for your skin after the peel to help your skin recover quickly, avoiding the risk of irritation.

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