Summer, you should lose weight for these reasons?

Video content is professionally consulted by Doctor Nguyen Khoa Binh - Department of Nephrology - Urology - Vinmec Nha Trang General Hospital

The mechanism of weight loss is that energy intake is lower than energy use. According to Dr. Nguyen Khoa Binh - Department of Nephrology - Urology - Vinmec Nha Trang General Hospital, people find it easier to lose weight in summer because people tend to consume less energy than in other seasons. Moreover, people tend to be more mentally relaxed, more active, especially exercising more.

Daily energy use is composed of:
Basal metabolic rate; Energy consumed by physical activities (daily activities, sports...); Thermogenesis effect of food. In particular, the basal metabolic rate accounts for the highest part, even when sleeping, the body is also using energy.
In winter, the body tends to produce more heat, stimulating the basal metabolic rate to increase, Some studies have also shown that the body will burn more energy in winter than in summer, however, the difference is not much.
Several other studies have shown that the body's metabolic rate does not differ by season. Thus, eating less, suitable physical activity and comfortable mind are the basis and safe measure for weight loss.

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