The process is suitable for acne skin care

How to take care of acne skin is a problem that always bothers many women. In general, the acne skin care routine mainly focuses on basic principles such as removing excess oil, keeping pores clear, and using products that help acne heal quickly.

1. What is the acne skin care process like?

With so many products and so much conflicting information, setting up the right acne skin care regimen can seem confusing. But a daily skin care routine for acne doesn't have to be complicated. You will only need a few minutes twice a day to restore your acne-ridden skin. Here is a basic skin care routine for acne control.
1.1 Gentle Facial Cleansing The first step in the acne skin care routine is to gently cleanse the face. Injury when squeezing acne can make acne worse or cause scarring. When washing your face, you should only use your hands or a soft towel, do not use other tools because rough cloths or other rubbing materials can cause acne to burst and cause infection.
Make sure you are using the right cleanser for your skin. The type of cleanser you choose may depend on whether or not you use prescription acne medications. Over-the-counter (OTC) acne cleansers are a good choice if you have mild acne. Choose a cleanser that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. If you're on prescription acne medication, you'll need a mild, non-medicated cleanser instead. Many cleansers on the market like Cetaphil or Neutrogena are great options. Take special care not to use strong soap or antibacterial hand sanitizer on your face. Strong soaps will not help clear acne and can also irritate the skin of the face.
1.2 Using Toner Toner can help remove excess oil, cleanser, and makeup from the skin. Don't use toners or astringents that are too dry or irritate your skin. You should choose alcohol-free products because alcohol can be drying and irritating, especially for sensitive skin types. The best way to use toner is to soak a cotton pad and gently spread it all over your face and neck. Doing so will help remove makeup, cleanser residue, and residual oil.
1.3 Apply acne medication After the toner has dried or after you have thoroughly washed and dried your face, apply the acne cream evenly as directed. Then wait a few minutes for the medication to fully absorb before applying moisturizer. You should contact a dermatologist to choose the best acne medication for your skin condition
Bạn có thể áp dụng cách chăm sóc da mụn với lựa chọn thuốc trị mụn
Bạn có thể áp dụng cách chăm sóc da mụn với lựa chọn thuốc trị mụn

1.4 Apply moisturizer Many opinions say that moisturizer should not be used when the skin has acne because it can clog pores. In fact, moisturizer is an essential part of an acne skin care routine. Acne treatment products often contain drying ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, which can draw moisture out of your skin and cause redness and irritation. To reduce dry and flaky skin, apply moisturizer twice daily.
Choose a gentle, oil-free moisturizer labeled "noncomedogenic". Also, look for products that contain ingredients like glycerin and hyaluronic acid that work to keep skin hydrated. You should avoid products with too thick, greasy textures that contain acne-causing ingredients like cocoa butter, mineral oil, or cold cream.
1.5 Apply sunscreen The last but not least important step in your acne skin care routine is applying sunscreen. Regular exposure to the sun can leave wrinkles and dark spots behind, and increase the risk of skin cancer. To protect your skin, you need to apply sunscreen whenever you go outside. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 or a physical sunscreen with at least 6% zinc oxide to protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Spray or gel sunscreens are the best choice for people who are prone to breakouts. You can also look for the term "noncomedogenic" on the label to make sure the sunscreen doesn't clog pores. Be careful with chemicals like PABA and benzophenone as they can irritate sensitive skin.
Thoa kem chống nắng
Thoa kem chống nắng là bước cuối cùng trong quy trình dưỡng da mụn

2. When should you see a doctor?

Mild acne can often be treated with over-the-counter products. However, if your acne still doesn't improve, you may want to consider making an appointment with a dermatologist. During your visit, you will be asked to detail your medical history and current skin care regimen. Your dermatologist will then examine your skin to determine if you actually have acne and, if so, what type and grade of acne it is.
You may be prescribed medication including topical, oral and some recommendations for lifestyle changes. Don't forget to return for regular check-ups so your dermatologist can see how your skin condition is progressing and update the most appropriate treatment plan.
In short, a basic acne skin care routine should include cleanser, toner, acne medication, moisturizer, and sunscreen. The key to acne treatment is patience. Stick to using an acne treatment for at least a month before thinking about trying a new one because acne treatments can take up to 3 months to see visible results.

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