Bird flu: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Human bird flu is a contagious viral disease that can infect not only birds, but also humans and other animals. H5N1 is the most common form of bird flu, it can be deadly to birds and easily affects humans. According to the World Health Organization, H5N1 was first detected in humans in 1997 and killed nearly 60% of those infected.

1. Causes of bird flu

Although there are several types of avian influenza, H5N1 was the first avian influenza virus to infect humans and cause avian influenza, also known as avian influenza. was discovered in Hong Kong in 1997. This outbreak was caused by problems related to the poor handling of infected poultry.
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1.1 How does bird flu spread to humans?

The H5N1 virus has a major host population of wild birds (mainly mallards) and poultry (duck, turkey, chicken, swan, geese). The disease is transmitted by contact with the feces of infected birds or poultry or from secretions from the nose, mouth or eyes. Flea markets and places that sell eggs and birds are in crowded and unsanitary conditions, which are susceptible to disease and can spread disease to large populations.
Meat or eggs from infected birds or poultry that are not fully cooked can also transmit bird flu. Therefore, to be safe, poultry meat needs to be fully cooked to an internal poultry temperature of 74 degrees Celsius or higher, and eggs need to have both yolks and whites cooked through.

1.2 Is bird flu transmitted from person to person?

Currently, avian influenza viruses do not spread from person to person. However, some experts fear that the H5N1 virus risks becoming a pandemic threat to humans.

2. Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of bird flu begin within two to seven days of infection, depending on the type of bird flu virus. In most cases, the symptoms of bird flu are generally the same as those of the common cold, including:
Cough Fever Sore throat Muscle pain Headache Difficulty breathing Some people may also have nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. And in a few cases, a mild eye infection (conjunctivitis) is the only sign of the disease.
When to see a doctor?
See a doctor immediately if you have a fever, cough and body aches and you have recently traveled to a country or region where avian flu is common.
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3. Diagnosis

3.1 Examination of specimens

Liquid samples from the nose or throat of an infected person are taken to check for the presence of avian influenza virus in these samples. These samples should be taken during the first few days after symptoms appear.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC) has approved a test kit specifically designed to identify avian influenza called influenza A/H5 (Asian lineage) real-time virus. RT-PCR primer and probe set . With this kit, preliminary test results are available in four hours.

3.2 Diagnostic imaging

X-rays can be helpful in assessing lung conditions, confirming the diagnosis, and selecting appropriate treatments for the patient's existing signs and symptoms.

4. Treatment

Currently, many influenza viruses are resistant to an antiviral drug such as amantadine and rimantadine (Flumadine). Health officials recommend using oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) if oseltamivir is not effective. These medicines must be used within two days of the first symptoms appearing.
Relatives or other people who have been in close contact with the sick person may also be prescribed antiviral drugs to prevent illness, even if they are not sick.
The patient will be kept in an isolated ward and the doctor can put on a ventilator if the patient has a severe infection.
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