Consideration between cesarean and vaginal birth

The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor I Le Thi Phuong - Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Caesarean section or vaginal birth both have certain advantages and disadvantages, obstetricians will monitor and give indications for vaginal birth or caesarean section depending on the status and wishes of each woman.

1. Pros and cons of vaginal birth and cesarean section

1.1 Normal delivery Normal delivery is the process in which the fetus is released through the mother's birth canal. Indications for normal delivery when there are no obstacles in the birth process such as:
Mothers are in good health to be able to push and breathe to provide oxygen and nutrients to the baby during labor. No obstacles on the way out of the fetus The fetus is healthy enough to pass the birth canal: no prolapse of the umbilical cord, no fetal distress... The fetus is not too big (>4000g).

Advantages After giving birth, the mother recovers quickly, can walk, eat and can take care of her baby right after birth. After the first 2 hours, the mother can breastfeed, thereby protecting the mother's milk supply. Normal delivery helps the uterus contract better, reducing postpartum blood loss and limiting fluid retention. Newborn babies are usually breastfed after the first few hours to prevent hypoglycemia, which is favorable for the baby's growth and development. When a baby is born naturally, when passing through the mother's vagina, the baby's body will be exposed to beneficial microorganisms, thereby stimulating the baby's immune system. During birth, the pressure of the birth canal helps the baby push out more fluid in the lungs than babies born by caesarean section, limiting the risk of respiratory diseases. Disadvantages Normal birth also creates psychological pressure, because the mother has to bear the pain and do not know when the labor will end. The mother has to wait for her due date, often deviating from the due date, so the Anxiety Normal delivery can have some effect on the pelvic floor area, causing the mother to develop urinary incontinence after giving birth. There are some women who can't stand the pain of labor. During childbirth, if there is an incident that will be difficult to handle or the mother is not strong enough to push, then the fetus has dropped down to the cervix, not using other birth methods to replace it. That will be very dangerous for the fetus, the doctor must use some birth control methods that can cause injury to the fetus.
Sinh thường cũng tạo ra áp lực về tâm lý, vì mẹ phải chịu cơn đau và không biết đến khi nào việc chuyển dạ mới kết thúc
1.2 Method of caesarean section Indications for cesarean section Active cesarean section (before labor) Abnormalities of the mother's pelvis such as narrowing, distortion. The way out of the fetus is obstructed: placenta previa, ovarian tumor located deep in the pelvis, uterine fibroids in the body or in the cervix... Uterus has bad scars from previous caesarean section. The mother's health is not guaranteed, the mother has high blood pressure, pregnancy poisoning. Congenital or acquired narrowing of the vagina or tears in previous births without good suturing, or due to genital cesarean section, due to genital malformations such as double uterus, bicornuate uterus Acute fetal failure The baby cannot stay long in the womb, the fetus is severely malnourished, has a blood type incompatibility. Caesarean section during labor The mother has vaginal bleeding such as in the case of placenta previa, threatened uterine rupture, placental abruption, and prolapse of the placenta. The fetus is wrapped around the neck by the umbilical cord, the fetus is large, the position is abnormal, the pregnancy is old, the pregnancy is multiple, the mother will not have to suffer the pain of labor, after only 30 minutes on the delivery table, the pregnant mother can see her baby . Mother can give birth as planned, not anxiously waiting. Mothers and families can plan ahead, take the initiative in time and have a good mentality. A caesarean section allows the baby to be delivered safely without fear of injury, especially in the case of a large fetus. In high-risk cases for both mother and baby, cesarean delivery is safer for mother and baby. When something goes wrong, it's easier to fix, especially with the fetus in danger, because a cesarean section can remove the fetus from the mother's body quickly. Cons Caesarean section can have side effects or complications that can be life-threatening: Complications during anesthesia, anesthesia for mother and baby. Caesarean section carries a greater risk of blood loss than vaginal delivery, which increases the risk of postpartum haemorrhage. Uterine with surgical scar will affect the next pregnancy and may cause cosmetic loss. There is a higher risk of complications during pregnancy and subsequent labor than a woman without a previous incision. Any surgery in the abdomen carries the risk of adhesions to intra-abdominal structures, bleeding, and infection of the incision site. Recovery time from cesarean section is longer than that of vaginal delivery. Taking care of a pregnant mother after a cesarean section is also more complicated than a normal birth, the smoldering incision lasts and takes time to recover. Babies born by cesarean section are not exposed to beneficial bacteria in their mothers, so their immune system is slow to develop, and they are slow to challenge beneficial intestinal bacteria. Babies born by cesarean section will be slower to absorb lung fluid than babies born vaginally, and are more susceptible to respiratory diseases, so babies born by cesarean section often have wheezing. Milk secretion in women who have a caesarean section will be slower and less than that of women born by caesarean section. Because of normal birth, babies born by cesarean section are breastfed more slowly than babies born vaginally.
Sinh mổ có thể có tác dụng phụ hay tai biến có thể ảnh hưởng đến tính mạng

2. C-section and vaginal birth, which is better?

Usually, if the mother's health is stable and the fetus is normal, there are no concerns, then vaginal delivery is the method of choice to bring many benefits to the baby and mother. However, in some cases, to ensure the safety of mother and baby, cesarean section is still really necessary. and the obstetrician will give birth method suitable for each case
When examining if there are problems from mother or baby, doctors will advise and give indications for cesarean section to help limit complications Obstetric. If the health of the mother and the fetus are completely normal, allowing for a normal delivery, then the mother can choose the method that is right for her and brings benefits to both mother and child. In order for the birth to go smoothly and safely, pregnant women need to understand:
How the labor process takes place, how long does it usually take to have a normal delivery or caesarean section, to protect the best health for the unborn baby. Methods to relieve pain during childbirth, limit pain and relieve psychological pressure during labor. The way to push and breathe during childbirth is usually the right way so that the labor takes place quickly, the pregnant woman does not lose strength during childbirth. How to control postpartum uterine contractions in the shortest time. How to take care of the perineal suture does not cause infection and dangerous complications. Early postpartum re-examination to detect dangerous abnormalities such as residual placenta, missing gauze. Take care of newborn until full month healthy. At Vinmec Hospital system, pregnancy examination and management is performed by experienced obstetricians.
To ease the pain of childbirth, Vinmec offers a maternity package with a complete "painless delivery" service during and after birth using non-morphine epidural and anaesthetic techniques. shy nerve. During the birth process, the mother will be guided by the midwives on how to push and breathe properly, the baby will be born in just 10-15 minutes. After birth, the baby will be cared for in a sterile room before being returned to the mother.
Pregnant women will rest in a high-class ward, designed according to international hotel standards, 1 mother 1 room with full facilities, modern, airy, comfortable like at home. Mothers will be consulted by nutritionists on how to feed the baby before being discharged from the hospital. Postpartum follow-up with both mother and baby with leading Obstetricians and Pediatricians.

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