4 Impressive Health Benefits of Lysine

The article is expertly consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Minh Tuan - Pediatrician - Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.

Lysine is an essential amino acid because your body cannot make it on its own and must get it from food. Lysine is very important for the normal development of the body and the formation of carnitine - a substance found in almost every cell in the human body. So what does lysine do?

1. Lysine protects and treats cold sores by blocking Arginine

Lysine helps transport fat through cells to burn for energy. L-lysine is a form of lysine that the body can use. It can be found naturally from foods or in high amounts from a dietary supplement - lysine tablets.
Cold sores or blisters with fever are symptoms of an infection, usually on the lips or corners of the mouth. They are small and water-filled blisters that cause discomfort, such as tingling, pain, and burning. Plus, they make you feel self-conscious about your appearance.
Cold sores are usually caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), which can stay dormant in the body. During times of stress or when your immune system is weakened, HSV-1 can activate and cause cold sores.
Lysine supplementation may help prevent HSV-1 replication and reduce the duration of cold sores. One study found that taking 1,000 mg of lysine by mouth daily led to fewer cold sores in 26 people prone to recurrent cold sores.
Another study in 30 people found that applying a cream with lysine, herbs, vitamins, and zinc eliminated cold sores in 40% of people on day three and 87% on day six.

2. Lysine reduces anxiety

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Lysine giúp giảm lo lắng

Lysine helps reduce anxiety Lysine has the ability to reduce anxiety by blocking receptors involved in the stress response. The researchers observed that the rats given lysine had a reduced incidence of stress-induced loose bowel movements.
A weeklong study in 50 healthy people found that supplementing with 2.64 grams of lysine and arginine reduced stress-induced anxiety and decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Lysine reduces the symptoms of schizophrenia Lysine can also aid in the treatment of people with schizophrenia, a mental disorder that disrupts an individual's perception of the outside world, often resulting in a failure reality can be understood. Although research is still in the early stages, lysine may have the potential to improve schizophrenia symptoms when combined with prescribed medications.

3. Lysine improves calcium absorption and retention

Lysine can help your body keep calcium. Lysine increases the absorption of calcium in the intestines and helps the kidneys retain the mineral. A study in 30 women, 15 healthy, and 15 with osteoporosis, found that calcium and lysine supplements reduced urinary calcium loss.
Women who received 400 mg of lysine lost less calcium in the urine than the control group. Lysine helps protect bones and also helps calcium get transported in your body. For example, lysine has been shown to prevent calcium buildup in blood vessels in rats. This type of buildup is a risk factor for heart disease.
Furthermore, a test-tube study showed that cells grown without lysine lead to a movement of calcium out of the cell and vice versa.

4. Lysine promotes wound healing by helping to create collagen

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Lysine có thể cải thiện khả năng chữa lành vết thương

Lysine can improve wound healing in your body. In experiments in animal tissues, lysine was more active at the wound site and helped accelerate wound healing. Lysine is needed for the formation of collagen, a protein that helps support and give structure to skin and bones. Lysine itself can also act as a binding agent, thereby increasing the number of new cells at the wound. It may even promote the formation of new blood vessels In an animal study, a combination of lysine and the amino acid arginine accelerated and improved fracture healing.
In another study in 40 rabbits, it was found that supplementing with a combination of 47 mg lysine per 1 kg body weight and 50 mg arginine per 1 kg body weight significantly improved blood flow and heal bones faster. In animal experiments, rabbits that received lysine and arginine had a reduced healing time of 2 weeks compared with the control group.
Wound healing is a complex process that requires minerals, vitamins and other elements. Lysine seems to have an invaluable role. Without lysine wound healing is impaired.
To date, studies have only looked at oral lysine supplementation and do not know if applying it directly to the wound would have the same effect. However, one study showed that applying a gel containing lysine to an ulcer resulted in a decrease in infection and a shorter healing time compared with no gel.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. examination and treatment at the Hospital.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Reference source: healthline.com

What is Lysine? Benefits and side effects What are the essential amino acids? Phenylalanine: Benefits, Side Effects and Food Sources
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