Calcium and Vitamin D can prevent tooth loss

Calcium and vitamin D play an important role in maintaining strong bones and teeth. When the body does not absorb enough calcium and vitamin D, it can make teeth weak. This leads to other health complications, such as tooth decay and tooth loss.

1. The role of vitamin D and calcium in the body

1.1. Role of calcium
Calcium is a major component in teeth, nails, bones, blood, cells, cell fluids and internal organs. Calcium is considered as the "foundation" to create an organic skeleton for bone cells to differentiate into strong bones. In addition, calcium also plays a role in nerve transmission and in the body's immune system.
1.2. The role of vitamin D
Vitamin D has an essential role in the body's immune system, stabilizing and maintaining calcium levels in the body. Vitamin D absorbs calcium and phosphate from the intestines to strengthen bones and teeth, if vitamin D deficiency will cause Calcium from the bones to convert back to use.

2. The intimate relationship between calcium, vitamin D and teeth

Calcium is absorbed into the body and complements the development of tooth germ, when the tooth has not yet grown out of the jaw. Therefore, to have strong teeth, it is necessary to take care of the health of the mother during pregnancy. In the first weeks of pregnancy, baby teeth sprouts have formed and gradually absorb calcium, until birth, although there are no teeth on the jaw, all baby teeth have formed a full shape under the jawbone. and only waiting to erupt in the 6th month. A perfectly developed tooth is a tooth that has adequate calcium mineralization right from the time it is a tooth germ, so after it grows, it will be firm and less prone to tooth decay. Vitamin D is absorbed along with calcium to help keep teeth strong. Without this nutrient, calcium cannot be absorbed. In addition, vitamin D is also produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight.
When the body does not absorb enough calcium and vitamin D can make bones and teeth weak, less mineralized. This leads to osteoporosis and other health complications, such as tooth decay and tooth loss. Some studies have shown that, if a person has osteoporosis, there is a greater risk of tooth loss than other people of the same age who are not living with the disease. Caused by osteoporosis, the jaw bone is weak or thin, teeth are not fully supported, leading to tooth loss.
Bổ sung vitamin D
Bổ sung vitamin D được hấp thu cùng với canxi giúp răng chắc khỏe

3. How to properly supplement vitamin D and calcium?

3.1. Supplement calcium properly for the body There are calcium-rich food groups such as:
Seafood: This is a food group commonly known to be rich in calcium. Typical among them are: shrimp, crab, crab, fish,... Green vegetables: Besides seafood, green vegetables are suitable choices to supplement calcium for the body such as: Kale, spinach. , cauliflower,... Cereal grains: Currently, this group is used a lot by people because of its high nutritional content, convenience, easy absorption and no worry about gaining weight. For example: Chestnuts, oats, almonds,... Fruits and milk: Some calcium-rich fruits are often used such as oranges, tangerines, kiwis, apples,... If the diet does not provide them enough calcium, we need to add calcium from supplements. There are many types of calcium taken orally in the form of salts, typically calcium carbonate and calcium citrate.
3.2. Supplement vitamin D properly Methods of supplementing vitamin D from nature include:
Sunbathing: The natural production of vitamin D in the body will be promoted when the body is exposed to morning sunlight. The most suitable time to sunbathe is around 6-7 am with a time of 15 to 20 minutes. Milk and fruits: soy milk, orange juice, lemon juice,... contribute to better absorption of vitamin D. Whole grains: Synthetic cereals will be the best choice for natural vitamin D supplements. Mushrooms: Mushrooms grown under natural light will contain a large amount of vitamin D necessary for humans. This is a delicious, nutritious and refreshing food for the whole family with familiar dishes such as: stir-fried mushrooms, mushroom soup, mushroom soup,... Egg Yolk: Egg yolk contains a large amount of vitamin D, but not in white. Eggs are an essential source of nutrients that are familiar in many Vietnamese family meals. In addition, oral vitamin D supplements can be taken in the form of vitamin D3 such as cholecalciferol or as a combination of calcium and vitamin D A-D capsules.
bổ sung vitamin D
Bổ sung canxi đúng cách giúp răng chắc khỏe

4. Notes on calcium and vitamin D supplementation

Calcium and vitamin D supplements for strong bones and teeth are essential. However, some important things should be noted as follows:
For people with some of the following diseases, caution should be taken and consult a doctor before use: Patients with severe kidney failure, kidney stones, increased calcium blood and calciumuria, hyperparathyroidism, Zollinger-Elison syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain. You need to use the medicine exactly according to the dose prescribed by the doctor. When used in excess can cause harm to the body such as kidney stones, bone calcification, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria,... In addition to supplementing with calcium and vitamin D for strong teeth, you need to pay attention. to dental hygiene. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush for 2 minutes in combination with flossing. Need to replace toothbrush every 3-4 months or when the bristles are worn out. When there is any problem with the teeth, it is necessary to visit a reputable specialist for timely support.

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