General introduction to first aid

The article was written by Specialist Doctor I Trinh Ngoc Duy - Emergency Doctor, Emergency Department - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.

First aid is basic emergency and immediate treatment for a victim of injury or illness; when the senior medical staff cannot respond promptly at that time (cannot be taken to the hospital or the ambulance cannot arrive immediately).

1. Definition of first aid

First aid is enough to deal with the situation; Sometimes, follow-up medical care is needed. First aid includes basic techniques that can be performed in most situations with minimal equipment. First aid includes preparation and education and training for emergency conditions to prevent them.
After accidents, first aid is the first treatment of an injury, illness or emergency condition and continues until the situation is resolved or further medical care is available.
First aid includes:
Situational assessment; Prepare and implement a first aid and victim support plan; Make sure everyone is in a safe area; First aid, including initial psychological support, when necessary; Performing first aid will vary depending on the situation; circumstances and the equipment or availability of follow-up medical care. The first aid person must make a decision based on his or her judgment and understanding of what is available.
Làm gì khi bị sốc điện do điện giật?
Đánh giá tình huống cần sơ cấp cứu và thực hiện

2. Roles and responsibilities of each person

Be a first aid person for all accidents and illnesses that happen at home or at work..... That will help yourself, your loved ones, your colleagues. , and others.
Fully assess the scene and come up with a first aid plan, ensure safety and traceability, give the best care to the victim, as well as the safety of them, their families, and those around them. ..
Perform first aid such as:
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Basic life support; Control bleeding; Cleaning wounds, trauma to bones and joints; Head injury ; Spinal cord injury, spinal cord; Transporting victims; Insect bites or stings; Choking foreign body into airway...
hồi sức tim phổi (CPR) cho trẻ?
Thực hiện phương pháp hồi sức tim phổi (nếu cần)

If necessary, transport the victim to a safe place for further treatment.
Provide emotional and psychological support when needed. Use a first aid kit. Check, replenish and compensate for used or expired tools. Record first aid performed (if possible) and notify medical personnel. Monitor the victim's condition to ensure that they are stable; and put in place a plan for them to get extra medical care if needed. If you have difficulty in providing first aid, call 911 immediately for instructions.

Participate in learning and practicing first aid training courses. Regularly re-learn first aid knowledge and practice with situations in the manual so that you remember how to handle situations when needed.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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