How to choose anti-aging skin care products

Women need to pay attention to proper skin care and build a scientific lifestyle to help keep skin healthy, bright and smooth, while preventing and minimizing aging. Besides eating in moderation, you should also use specialized anti-aging cosmetics.

1. What is aging skin?

Whether you are male or female, the aging process cannot be avoided because this is the law of nature. We all age over time, skin becomes saggy, thinner and drier. In particular, the function of other organs tends to be impaired, in addition, the ability to recover is also worse at a young age.
In addition to cases of aging due to natural laws, some cases also suffer from premature skin aging (Werner aging syndrome - congenital skin aging disease) that causes the body to age before its age. The cause is largely genetic and appears early in the years of puberty. This is a rare condition. Some signs show that the skin has an early aging phenomenon, including: Atrophy of the skin, reduction of subcutaneous fat, causing wrinkled skin, atrophy of nails, and changes in skin pigmentation.
The body begins to show signs of aging, causing the cell renewal process to become slower than usual. It is easy to see the signs of normal skin aging when you are over 40 years old, especially often noticed most clearly on the skin of the face. Bad skin conditions appear again after the age of 25 with those who appear premature aging.
Da lão hóa
Lão hóa da thường xuất hiện khi bước sang tuổi 25

Premature aging of the skin is gradually becoming more common nowadays, which is completely understandable because of the living environment, as well as the unhealthy lifestyle of many young people. Here are some signs of aging skin, helping you to take care of your skin in time:
Skin color changes: The face is dull due to the change in skin color, appears spots, pigmentation or age spots. Skin becomes rough: The skin loses a large amount of moisture and becomes rough due to the lack of collagen. Skin becomes loose: The protein bonds in the skin become loose due to the loss of elastic tissue (elastin) in the skin with age. Skin becomes thinner: The area where the epidermis and dermis (the skin below the epidermis) loses fat, becoming thinner is the main cause of this condition. Skin becomes easy to bruise, slow to heal: The walls of blood vessels on the surface of the skin can be easily seen as they become thinner and thinner. In addition, compared to a young age, the skin's recovery process also becomes much slower. As the skin ages, facial changes also become more apparent, including:
Subcutaneous fat in the cheeks, chin, nose and temple area is lost. The eyes are sunken, the eye sockets and dark circles are obvious. From the age of 60 onwards, the sagging skin around the mouth and chin becomes more and more obvious. Besides applying a reasonable diet, exercising regularly, to fight skin aging, you need to know how to choose the right skin care products.
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2. How to choose anti-aging skin care products

Currently, anti-aging skin care products are diverse and popular. With so many options, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. Here are expert tips to help you choose anti-aging products:
How to choose sunscreen and lotion Dermatologists agree that sunscreen and lotion are Two of the most effective anti-aging products you should choose. Using these products every day can make a dramatic difference in your skin. When shopping for a sunscreen, choose a product with the following information:
Is a broad spectrum sunscreen SPF 30 or higher Waterproof sunscreen type How to choose an anti-aging moisturizer Use Use an anti-aging moisturizer that visibly reduces wrinkles. It's so effective that moisturizer is considered the secret ingredient in many anti-aging products.
Moisturizers and lotions are good products for the anti-aging process of the skin. B
Pay Attention to Signs of Skin Aging You can use sunscreen, moisturizer and anti-aging skin care products for a few weeks and then observe the skin condition. Are the signs of skin aging reduced or not?
You need to focus on treating certain signs of aging, such as wrinkles or dark spots on your face, this will help you make the treatment more effective, because:
No products Can treat all signs of skin aging Using more than one anti-aging product over a period of time can cause skin irritation, making you look older
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Choose the right skin care products for your skin type Sunscreen, moisturizer and other anti-aging skin care products work best if they are suitable for your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, choose a moisturizer for oily skin. If you have sensitive skin, you need to choose the right product. This is very important, because there is no single product that will work for everyone.
Read product labels carefully and choose a product that provides all of the following:
Hypoallergenic product (still has a lower risk of causing an allergic reaction) Non-comedogenic or non-comedogenic acnegenic (does not cause acne) Has a phone number for the manufacturer Don't expect too far from reality Ways to advertise a product, such as a product that can make you look 10 years younger or quickly Reduces all signs of aging. This is what we all want. However, in reality, you need to remember, all anti-aging skin care products yield rather modest results. You can't expect that using anti-aging skin products will help with facial tightening.
Choose products that are priced right for you. We always think that the more expensive the products, the better the results. However, all anti-aging skin products are more or less effective, so it's a good idea to choose products that are right for your skin type and abilities.
Reference source:

How to treat acne Summer facial skin care guide PRP skin rejuvenation after care guide

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