How to control blood sugar without drugs

The article was professionally consulted by a General Internal Medicine Doctor - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Diabetics often have to take oral blood sugar control pills to keep their blood sugar at a safe level. However, there are ways to control blood sugar without drugs that are both safe and effective in all cases.

1. Overview

Diabetes is divided into many types with different treatment directions. For patients with type 1 diabetes, the main treatment is insulin injections. Type 2 diabetes is a long-term progression, associated with obese patients, energy intake more than body needs, leading to insulin resistance and insulin deficiency.
Risk factors for diabetes include:
Age: >= 45 years of age Obesity. Less physical activity. Family history: Gestational diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension. Thus, for patients with diabetes, taking the initiative to take care of themselves by: eating a balanced diet with enough ingredients, maintaining an exercise regimen and taking oral medications to control blood sugar will play an important role in stabilizing diabetes. regulate blood sugar, prevent complications. Of the above factors, if you can control your diet, change your lifestyle, and stay active, if you do it well, you will avoid gradually increasing the amount of medication over time of the disease.

2. How to control blood sugar without drugs

The benefits of self-monitoring of blood glucose are so great that how to safely and effectively control blood sugar is a question asked by many diabetics. Here are some suggestions for people to refer to and apply in daily life:
2.1. Drink lots of water everyday
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In the body of people with diabetes, blood sugar increases, leading to an increased urine excretion process with the aim of bringing sugar out of the body. Excessive urine output can lead to dehydration of the body.
When a diabetic patient's body loses water, it can lead to thickening of the blood, increasing the concentration of solutes, making it difficult to excrete excess sugar and other waste products, leading to the risk of coma due to dehydration. increased blood osmolality and ketoacidosis.
On average, a healthy person needs to drink 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day. Diabetics need to drink more to make up for lost fluids. The addition of water helps to increase blood flow, improve peripheral circulation, and prevent the development and development of complications caused by diabetes.
2.2. Add more fiber Many studies have shown that eating more fiber will help stabilize blood sugar. Fiber does not create energy, makes you feel full, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines, stimulates intestinal contractions and digests other foods.
Fiber is often found in green leafy vegetables, tubers, shelled fruits, legumes, potatoes, brown rice... As recommended by the World Diabetes Association, people with diabetes Sugar should add at least 25g of fiber daily, this helps insulin work better and slows down food into the intestines, helping blood sugar after meals not rise quickly.
If you do not have the habit of eating fiber, you should start with a small amount, then gradually increase the amount combined with drinking a lot of water (at least 1.5-2 liters per day) to reduce bloating, indigestion, reduce weight loss. HbA1c levels prevent complications of diabetes.
2.3. Proper nutrition In the treatment of diabetes, diet plays a very important role. Many patients often experience high blood sugar levels after meals, so special attention should be paid to:
Split meals, it is best to divide them into 3 main meals, 1-3 snacks with stool calories. nutritious in reasonable meals. Maintain eating on time and regularly between meals, do not skip meals even if you are seriously ill or do not want to eat. Keep the amount of starch stable (accounting for 50-60% of the need) and appropriate by replacing starchy foods (white rice, bread, sticky rice, instant noodles ..) by choosing foods with only starch. low glycemic index such as brown rice, taro, potatoes, whole grains. Do not use food and drinks with chemical sugars such as carbonated soft drinks, confectionery, alcohol, processed milk, canned fruit... Priority should be given to supplementing fruits (ripe), green vegetables to provide vitamin levels. However, you should avoid ripe and soft fruits with too high sweetness such as mango, longan, durian... Minimize animal fats, replace with vegetable oils such as olive oil, soybean oil. , sesame oil ... should limit fried foods, high fat. According to research, if drinking 1 cup of red wine about 150ml per day can reduce the risk of heart disease in patients with type 2 diabetes.
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Rượu vang đỏ giúp giảm nguy cơ bệnh tim ở bệnh nhân tiểu đường type 2
2.4. Regular exercise, physical exercise, exercise helps to increase endurance for the heart and better regulate blood sugar. Depending on the ability and physical condition of each person, the doctor recommends exercising and doing sports for at least 30 minutes/day. Exercise is essential for diabetics because it makes it easier for the body to use glucose, reducing blood sugar levels. Patients can consider subjects such as walking, running slowly, cycling, swimming...depending on their preferences and abilities.
2.5. Good stress control Blood sugar is also affected if there is psychological stress, stress in diabetic patients. When stressed, the body tends to increase the secretion of cortisol - an antagonist hormone that reduces insulin sensitivity, leading to an increase in blood sugar.
Stress also directly affects the patient's behavior, leading to harmful habits such as: consuming coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, fast food, being afraid to exercise... It may be more difficult to stabilize blood sugar.
Diabetics should lead an optimistic, relaxing, fun, healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly or meditate to help balance their psychology and emotions better.
2.6. Self-monitoring of blood sugar at home: See the results of blood glucose measurement at home, so that you can self-regulate, balance meals, stay active, balance life and emotions. And through the results of measuring blood sugar at home, when the doctor re-examines, the doctor will have a basis to adjust the medicine accordingly.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has deployed a diabetes screening package to help patients detect diabetes early, accurately classify diabetes type, and build a diet and control sugar. blood without drugs and reduce the risk and complications caused by diabetes. Vinmec has a team of experienced urologists with good qualifications to help provide the most effective treatment regimens for patients.
If you have a need for diabetes examination and treatment with leading Vinmec doctors, please book an appointment at the website or contact the hotline for detailed advice.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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