Indications for tooth nerve displacement

Dental nerve displacement is a technique to move the lower tooth nerve bundle (in the lower tooth canal) to the side to increase the bone size to help support the placement of dental Implants. So in which cases will this technique of tooth nerve displacement be needed?

1. When is the tooth nerve displacement indicated?

Lower dental nerve displacement for implant placement is usually indicated in patients who lack the useful bone height at the implant site in relation to the lower dental nerve. However, there are a number of contraindications that need to be considered prior to the procedure, including:
Mandibular bone lacks width for lateral shift of the mandibular nerve bundle. The oral cavity has an acute inflammatory state. Patients with systemic diseases contraindicated for surgery

2. How is dental nerve displacement surgery performed?

Anesthesia for this type of surgery is regional or local anesthesia. The specific steps are as follows:
Step 1: Expose the jawbone at the surgical area, the surgeon will create a trapezoidal mucosal flap with 3 incisions including: an incision along the mucosal vertebrae at the missing tooth area. and two vertical incisions from both ends of the upper incision toward the vestibular recess with a trapezoidal base. Step 2: expose the surgical area by separating the bony mucosal flap, including the chin hole. Step 3: Open the mandibular periosteal window to expose the inferior dental vascular bundle with a circular drill, a bone saw or an ultrasonic osteotomy. Step 4: Pull the lower tooth nerve bundle out of the lower tooth canal After successfully moving the lower tooth nerve, the procedure for placing the Implant post will follow the standard implantation procedure of Implant dentistry and then bring the nerve vessel back. suitable location. The placement of the biofilm on the outside of the Implant post will be done before using the appropriate instrument to transfer the lower tooth nerve bundle to the outside of the Implant post. Finally will put the membrane covering the bone window and close the flap
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3. What should be monitored after tooth nerve displacement?

During dental nerve displacement surgery, attention should be paid to the following issues:
Stop bleeding if excessive bleeding occurs. If there is damage to the lower tooth nerve bundle, it is necessary to stop the implantation process and treat depending on the extent of the damage. After surgery, it is also necessary to monitor the patient's bleeding problem, use systemic antibiotics and provide local care, and treat numbness of the lips and chin after surgery. Above are the steps and techniques of tooth nerve displacement that you can refer to.
Dental - Jaw - Facial - Vinmec International General Hospital is a prestigious and high-quality medical address, with a team of qualified doctors, standard equipment and machinery. Therefore, when having problems with oral health, you should go to the hospital to be checked by a doctor, dentist and have appropriate indications.

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