Is it possible to have an MRI while having an IUD?

The article was written by MSc Nguyen Thuc Vy - Doctor of Radiology, Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

Before taking magnetic resonance imaging, the patient needs to provide the doctor with full information about their health status as well as the devices being implanted on the person (aneurysm clips, stents, pacemakers, IUDs) pregnancy...) to ensure a safe scanning process.

1. MRI scan and things to keep in mind

Metallic materials containing iron ions (iron, steel) placed in the environment of the magnetic resonance machine will move position. Therefore, when taking magnetic resonance imaging, metal implants in the body such as aneurysm clips, stents, pacemakers, bone fusion instruments will move and may cause damage to surrounding tissues.
In addition, metal implanted materials in the body can heat up significantly during magnetic resonance imaging and thus can also cause injury to the patient. Implants can cause signal loss and affect image quality.
Therefore, it is very important to inform the MRI technician about any implants in the patient's body before entering the MRI room.
Ứng dụng chụp cộng hưởng từ (MRI) trong chẩn đoán chấn thương khớp gối
Chụp cộng hưởng từ

2. Can I get an IUD with an MRI?

Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs) are manufactured with inert materials such as stainless steel, plastic,... with the addition of copper or the hormone progestin. There are many types of IUDs used in the world:
+ IUDs containing copper are made from a plastic body with copper rings or copper wire is the most common type today in Vietnam. There are different shapes and different copper content (TCu 380A, Multiload 375, TCu 200, ...)
+ IUD containing progestin: in Vietnam there is a Mirena ring consisting of a T-shaped polyethylene body containing 52 mg of levonogestrel.
+ Metal IUD: using stainless steel can be attached with copper wire: this type is now rarely used in Vietnam as well as in the world. However, in some parts of the world this type of IUD is still used, such as China. This type of ring has mostly been discontinued since 2000 but some elderly people in China are still wearing this IUD.
Vòng tránh thai chữ T
Hình ảnh vòng tránh thai

For plastic IUDs combined with copper wire or hormones: the current common IUDs in Vietnam will be safe during magnetic resonance imaging. However, for IUDs using stainless steel, there will be motion effects, heat will not be safe for the patient, so an alternative diagnostic method such as ultrasound or pelvic CT scan should be used. -gynecological.
Vinmec International General Hospital is currently one of the major hospitals with modern machinery and equipment for general medical examination and treatment procedures and accurate and modern MRI for brain and vascular diseases. brain blood in particular.
Patients who perform MRI at Vinmec will be supported by the support staff, and the technical staff will clearly guide you on the best operations, procedures, safety issues, ensuring good diagnostic images without any problems. harm the patient.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
What are the benefits of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? Cardiac MRI: What you need to know What you need to know about MRI scans to detect diseases in the mammary glands
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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