Keeping up with the loss of a loved one

Losing a loved one is really heartbreaking and takes time to get over. When you lose a loved one, take comfort and encouragement from everyone and share your sadness, you should also take good care of yourself and find a new reason to continue with your life.

1. Mood changes of people who have just lost a loved one

There are 5 stages of feeling of traumatic loss after the loss of a loved one proposed by psychologist Kubler Ross after his studies of patients.
Denial: When you lose a loved one, at first, you may not accept this fact, you are shocked, feel like dumbfounded, indifferent to everything around. Your time is mostly spent on grieving, some people can make themselves too busy, or any action to delay feeling the pain of losing a loved one. Anger: You may have a tendency to take your sadness out on your doctor, friends, spouse, siblings, or yourself, etc. it's like the act of blaming someone else to relieve the painful feeling. As the blame wears off, the pain returns. Promises: To ease feelings of traumatic loss, you tend to promise to change yourself for the better or to cherish the memories of that person. It is seen as your first attempt to stay calm in the face of pain. Sadness: No matter how hard you try, the fact that a loved one has passed makes you continue to be surrounded by grief, you can fall into a state of indifference to yourself, eating and sleeping too much or too little, living alone. create. Acceptance: You begin to accept the fact that your loved one has died but you still have to live. At this time, the inner mind has begun to find peace, the memories come flooding back, but the feeling in you is more comfortable, you start looking for new relationships. Watch now: What is positive thinking and how to get it?

2. How to reduce grief after losing a loved one?

When you lose a loved one, the feeling of a traumatic loss can last from a few months to a few years depending on the person, to recover from the loss of a loved one, you can do some of the following measures: :
Talking to family and friends can help you get over your grief in a more gentle way. Sign up for physical activities, meditation, yoga, walking, concerts, painting, reading, biking, and more. Any activity that makes you more relaxed and happy. Take good care of yourself by trying to maintain a regular routine, eating and resting properly, exercising regularly, and seeing friends. Forgive yourself for your mistakes or what you haven't done for the deceased. Find meaning in life or a new direction for yourself. Avoid alcohol and drugs as they only make grief worse.
mất người thân
Mất người thân là cảm giác thật sự đau lòng và cần thời gian để vượt qua.

3. The difference between grief and depression

Many people confuse the feeling of grief and depression after the loss of a loved one, however, there are some differences between them:
The grieving person has mood swings, while the person who is depressed at the time of death Everyone feels down. People with depression have low self-esteem, a constant feeling of unworthiness or self-loathing, a feeling that the grieving person does not have. People with depression may experience hallucinations such as hearing sounds that are absent, seeing objects that do not exist, etc. , while the grieving person does not have this symptom. People with depression are often completely isolated from family and society. Meanwhile, the grieving person may avoid people but still accept the support of loved ones.

4. When to see a doctor?

If the traumatic feeling of loss is beyond your control, you need to see a doctor immediately, that is when:
Difficulty performing normal daily activities Feeling of loss of purpose in life No longer wanting to integrate into society Feeling unable to continue living A deceased loved one may be hoping that you continue to live a happy life. Therefore, you should think more positively, soon integrate into a new life. Having thoughts of harming yourself or refusing to help a loved one only makes you a burden to everyone.
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