Nerve pain characteristics V

5th nerve pain is a type of pain that comes on suddenly, and comes on quickly. Pain is usually spontaneous or comes from a pain point, mostly unilateral, there are also some cases of bilateral 5th neuralgia but rarely.

1. Characteristics of nerve pain V

Nerve pain is a distinct type of pain, the pain is very severe, occurs suddenly and happens quickly, lasting only from a few seconds to a few minutes. The pain is often spontaneous.
V nerve is responsible for both motor and sensory functions. However, the main function is sensation and each nerve will receive sensation for one side of the face. Nerve 5 is made up of 3 nerve branches, V1, V2, V3, each sensory branch for each part of the face, so it is often called the trigeminal nerve or the trigeminal nerve. . This is the largest cranial nerve.
Nerve pain often has a sudden onset, resembling an electric shock, sometimes crushing, rarely burning. The pain is short-lived, lasting only a few seconds, but attacks can occur in quick succession, making the pain last for about one to two minutes. Nerve pain V can recur every day without a certain pattern. The severity of the disease is expressed by the frequency of the pain.
Đau răng
Đau dây thần kinh số V là một loại đau đặc thù riêng biệt

The patient may have pain that arises for no reason, even when there is a stimulus such as washing the face, chewing, shaving, touching the face, the wind blowing in the face, ... can also cause pain .
Pain occurs on one side of the face, localized according to the distribution of nerve V, most commonly limited to one of the three branches. Nerve pain has at least 4 characteristics:
Sudden, severe pain Distributed along one or more branches of nerve V Severe Intensity Irritated by daily activities such as: eating, speaking, brush your teeth and wash your face,...

2. Cause

At present, the mechanism of nerve pain V is still unclear. The region that governs nerve pain V is the oropharyngeal region, so most of the patients are misdiagnosed due to sinusitis, superficial temporal arteritis, migraine, glaucoma, dental disease or other diseases related to nerve pain. tooth, .....
Nerve pain 5 is a feeling of pain in half of the face in the areas that the nerve supplies. Abnormalities in the nervous system and the compression of blood vessels where the V nerve exits the brain stem is one of the causes of neuralgia V.
In addition, tumors are located in the angular region. The pons-cerebellar and adjacent areas of the pontine-cerebellar angle are also implicated in neuropathic pain such as meningiomas, pituitary tumors, epidermoid cysts, metastatic melanoma, etc. Tumor affects the Gasser ganglion or one or more branches of the V nerve.
Some causes of secondary nerve pain such as: hyperplasia of the base of the skull compressing the V nerve, or diseases of the spinal cord. structure due to nerve v distribution: tooth decay, tooth abscess, iritis, sinusitis,...
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3. Diagnosis and treatment

3.1 Diagnosis

To diagnose nerve pain V, the doctor will base on the clinical manifestations. However, nerve pain V is often misdiagnosed with dental diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to make a differential diagnosis with a number of diseases such as:
V mononeural branch pain differential diagnosis with facial sinus disease, migraine, and V diplex pain differential diagnosis with disease of the maxillary teeth, auricular gland, ethmoid sinus Pain of the third nerve trigeminal nerve V differential diagnosis with pain in the mandibular tooth. In addition, the patient may have to do some necessary tests such as magnetic resonance imaging, CT scan,...
Chụp CT giúp chấn đoán chính xác đau dây thần kinh số V

3.2 Treatment

Nerve pain of V can be treated medically or surgically.
For medical treatment: Nerve pain of V will not respond to conventional analgesia and is resistant to morphine. However, some psychotropic and psychotropic drugs are effective when used. To help patients reduce and eliminate pain symptoms, it is necessary to use drugs with appropriate types and doses. The typical feature of this pathology is that almost all patients have an initial response to medical therapy with drugs. However, about 75% of cases after that use of pain relievers no longer work and requires surgical intervention.
Surgical treatment with procedures and surgery: Surgical interventions and procedures are indicated for cases where drug therapy has failed or patients have serious side effects when taking drugs. Interventional methods can be applied in surgical treatment such as: percutaneous Vth nerve thermocoagulation, microvascular decompression surgery, glycerol injection in the trigeminal neural pool, or Gasser ganglion compression method. glossy leather. Currently, the surgical method of microvascular decompression is widely applied, bringing high efficiency and few complications.
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V nerve pain is a manifestation of some damage, and it is easy to misdiagnose with dental disease. Therefore, when the patient has symptoms such as facial pain, the pain occurs suddenly, quickly, ... it is necessary to immediately go to a medical facility for examination, diagnosis and timely treatment.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

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