Primary infective peritonitis: Clinical and subclinical symptoms

The article was written by MSc Phan Van Phong - Emergency Doctor - Emergency Department - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
Primary infective peritonitis (VPMNKNP) is an infected ascites of unknown origin that occurs in cirrhotic patients with ascites.

1. Overview of primary infectious peritonitis

Is a serious complication of cirrhosis, accounting for 10-20% of patients with cirrhosis hospitalized for infection. Diagnosis is when:
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte/peritoneal fluid (DMB) count > 250/mm3 Positive DMB culture Rule out secondary infectious cause (requires surgical treatment)
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2. Clinical and subclinical symptoms of infective peritonitis

2.1 Clinical

Consciousness disturbance, hypotension, poor response to diuretic therapy. Digestive disorders: Diarrhea, paralytic ileus,.. General peritonitis: pain throughout the abdomen, abdominal wall resistance, decreased intestinal motility

2.2 Subclinical

Routine CLS: Leukocytosis/blood, metabolic acidosis, increased NH3/blood, increased creatinine/blood. CLS liver disease diagnostic test to diagnose the disease: Peritoneal effusion test: Cell count Mandatory biochemistry: sugar, protein, albumin, LDH It is recommended to culture peritoneal fluid and blood culture simultaneously to optimize ability to isolate bacteria. However, the implantation rate (+) only accounts for 40% of patients with NT-proBNP. CLS for differential diagnosis: Peritoneal fluid test: amylase, bilirubin, CEA, ALP, triglycerides, ADA Imaging: Abdominal X-ray, Abdominal ultrasound, Abdominal CT scan,...
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Primary infectious peritonitis is one of the diseases that can be said to be dangerous if not detected and treated promptly. The disease can leave complications leading to inflammation of other internal organs in the abdomen leading to effusion, blood spillage, adhesions... even death from sepsis.
Treatment of primary peritonitis has many different methods, but the most optimal is the surgical method to handle the inflammation combined with the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory pain relievers. It is a complex process that requires expertise and experience as well as securing facilities.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, a system of modern equipment and technology. The hospital provides comprehensive and professional medical examination, consultation and treatment services, with a civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

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