Reduce salt intake with the right diet

The use of too much salt in the daily diet will increase the risk of many diseases, because maintaining a light diet will reduce the risk of blood pressure, heart disease, kidney and urinary diseases. Therefore, to ensure health, people need to reduce salt in their daily diet and use the correct dosage that nutritionists recommend.

1. Benefits of the paleo diet

Eating salty is not good for health because it can increase blood pressure and cause atherosclerosis. From there, it leads to cardiovascular complications such as stroke, heart failure, and even death or paralysis. A paleo diet will bring benefits such as:
Maintain stable blood pressure for patients with high blood pressure. Reduce swelling in patients with renal failure or kidney diseases. Reducing the risk of atherosclerosis leading to stroke complications in patients with heart failure. Obviously, eating a lot of salt is not good, but eating too much salt also affects health because it can cause weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of appetite,... Therefore, it is necessary to make sure The right amount of salt in each meal to avoid harm to health.
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2. How pale diet is appropriate?

A suitable paleo diet is to provide enough salt and sodium that the body needs. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), each person should eat less than 5g of salt/day (about 1 teaspoon), equivalent to 2.3g of sodium/day. However, the following groups of subjects need to eat less salt:
Infants and young children: 0.3 - 1.5g salt/day. Elderly people (over 50 years old): <3.2g salt/day. Patients with kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure: <3.2g salt/day.
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3. Foods with a low amount of salt

To ensure a healthy, adequate paleo diet, we need to prioritize foods with low salt content. Normally, the body is supplemented with salt and sodium through 2 main sources: table salt, salty spices used for processing, dipping and foods.
Foods that are low in salt are mainly green vegetables and fruits. In addition, lean meats also have less salt and sodium.
Foods high in salt, sodium are mostly seafood, milk and dairy products, processed and packaged foods. In addition, salt is mainly added through spices such as fish sauce, seasoning powder, soy sauce.
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4. How to reduce salt in the diet?

To avoid eating too much salt, which is not good for health, but still ensure that the body is provided with enough salt and necessary sodium, here are some ways to help reduce salt in the diet:
Limit the use of fish sauce , salt, seasoning powder when preparing food, about 1⁄5 teaspoons of salt/meal. Limit or do not dip spices such as fish sauce, soy sauce, salt in meals. Limit processed foods and canned foods. Carefully read the ingredients of foods, choose foods with a low amount of salt. For young children, salt should not be added when preparing solid foods. Children should eat natural foods and do not add salt when cooking. Reducing salt in the diet in a reasonable way will help the body maintain activity and protect heart health.
Vinmec International General Hospital is not only famous for its quality of medical examination and treatment services but also for having successfully treated many difficult and complicated cases under the guidance of doctors. Professional and experienced doctor. In particular, the medical team at Vinmec is always ready to listen, advise and treat diseases as well as advise on good nutrition and food for each patient's health.
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